Chapter 1: Making Plans

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The others that can't sleep just hid their faces  under the blanket. But, of course, Kidou just can't lay there and do nothing so he decided to go to the living room downstairs.

Kidou's PoV

I slowly opened the door and quietly closed it so that no one would be bothered. I walked downstairs to think. Well, of course, in situations like this we can't just hide here forever. We still need to find some new survivors. We also need to look for some useful weapons to defend ourselves and some foods and drinks so we don't starve. Tomorrow will be the first day that we are going to examine what is happening around here. But, we still need to have a plan. What is it? I started to think deeply until Endou showed up...

Endou's PoV

As I was walking downstairs, I saw Kidou thinking deeply of something. So I decided to talk to him.

"Ah, Kidou. Can't sleep too?" I said making him nod. I sat beside him and started to open a conversation about what is happening around us.

"Ne, Kidou. Do you have any idea on how we will survive this outbreak?" I asked him.

"I still don't have a clue. But tomorrow, I guess we will find out how the others are doing." Kidou said seriously.

"Y-yeah. But we still need a plan." I protested.

"Of course. That's what I've been thinking the whole time." He said making my hopes up until Fubuki joined us.

"Captain, I too can't sleep and an idea just came out of my mind." Fubuki said.

"Do tell, Fubuki." Kidou said.

"Hai! So I was thinking that tomorrow we will be separated into groups to search the island." Fubuki stated but then Fudou butted in.

"That would be risky." He said while leaning against the wall.

"Fudou...?" I said.

"That would be risky. If we separate into groups, who will protect the managers here? Who will look out for some survivors around the area? And what if one group had a problem and we're not there to help them?" Fudou explained.

"He has a point." Kidou agreed making Fubuki realize it.

"Gomen ne. I am not thinking straight." He said as he put his hand on the back of his head.

Nobody's PoV

So the four kept thinking on what to do tomorrow until Gouenji showed up.

"I came to help you guys." He said making them nod. They shared ideas and thoughts to build a plan. After minutes of thinking, Kidou finally thought of something.

"I get it! Tomorrow, we will choose who are the ones that will be sent out to search and the others stay in here. The group that is out will first search the whole Japan area. We will search every area to make sure that there'a still survivors. So technically, we will be divided into two groups. One group will be out and one group stays here." Kidou stated making Endou release a wide smile.

"That plan is great, Kidou!" Endou said.

"Indeed. We need to go rest now. We still have a big day tomorrow." Fudou said. Hmm...since when did Fudou became nice? Anyways, they all went to their rooms and tried to sleep. Kidou, Fudou, Fubuki, and Gouenji successfully slept but Endou is still awake worrying about something.

Endou's PoV

It's 2:30 am and I still can't sleep. I sat on my bed and started to think of what will happen to us after a few days. What will happen if in any case someone will betray us. No! That's not going to happen! I'm sure they will never do that! Or will they? I sighed. Just how does these things started??? But I always wonder, how are the other representatives? Are they still alive?

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