I watched as Lexi and Brittany stand in front shaking their pompoms and the amateurs separated at the back. Brittany and Lexi kneeled down on one knee while Chrissy, Chrystal and Brenda flicked in front of them. Joe-Ann and Sky also flicked across behind them.

They all sang our anthem song ending it with Joe-Ann and sky feet touching each other in the air. Chrissy and Chrystal keeled on the floor. Brittany stands on their backs with her hands holding her waist and Lexi in front shaking her pompoms in a split.
There was a crowd watching in amazement at the girls. I was now conflicted between punishing them for planning something behind my back or proud that they have been practicing. For now, I just smiled at them. It was not entirely fake there was a sense of pride in it. I guess I'll just tell them never to make a plan without my acceptance and never to hide something from me again.
They ran towards me and gave me some air hug, they already knew we only give real hugs at championships and game matches if our side wins.
The music emanated from the house washed my body in continous waves a of goosebumps. The song 'or na' was playing when Levi and I entered the party. We passed a few people on the lawn making out drunken state, but luckily no one had vomited...yet.
When we entered people was on the dining table doing body shots, some were sitting on the  ground playing spin the bottle. Couples we're under the stairs making out. Two guys from the soccer team were guarding the entrance of the stairs when Levi walked up to them.
"Hey man!" He greeted them with a fist bump. "What you doing just standing around?" Levi asked.
"See this" A blond pointed to the stock of money in his hand "They got to pay to go upstairs in one of the rooms to Netflix and chill" He smirked. They all started laughing "Wise man" Levi commented while walking away with me to the kitchen.
"What you want to drink?" He asked me.
" Fruit Juice" I replied.
"Come on Katey, no one goes to a party and drinks 'Fruit Juice'" He air coated.
"Ok just get me something" I shrugged. Really I don't drink alcohol because I hate feeling out of control and alcohol do that to people, it makes them lose control. But if I'm going to be Levi's best girlfriend, Ill do what he wants me to.
He passed me a glass of yellow liquid swimming inside of it, I brought it to my nose and was greeted by the strong repugnant scent of alcohol.
"What's this?" I asked gulping down the content. It burned like wildfire and I cringed while closing my eyes tightly.
"White Rum and pepsi, taste great right?" He asked taking two shots at a time. He gave the guy behind the Kitchen counter a ten dollar bill and pulled my hands to the dance floor.
He stood dangerously close to me as my song began to play, red nose.
"Can you keep up?" I asked him already knowing the answer.
"Let's find out" He smirked.
We danced the song perfectly together in sync, even people around us started  videoing. I can grantee that I will be a tag in that video on facebook later.
Levi and I Left the dance floor at 2 am. I was tired and my short, tight uncomfortable red dress now sits on my  waist, exposing my black uncomfortable thong. My exposed bikni bothered me but being the cheer captain I had to smile and pretend like it was my intention.
"Oops" I giggled slightly bending over to the side to pull down my mini dress. I couldn't wear heels because Levi was short, so I had the option for a single black Russian fashioned slipper. My strawberry blond hair was perfectly curled at the ends with my natural brunette hair as highlights. It's a weird mix But it was cute, even the amateurs got brunette highlights just like mine.
My make up was heavy, I looked like a fake green eyed china doll with wings. Not to mention my nude lipstick and chubby cheeks were perfectly contoured into defined cheekbone.
"I can't wait to have you, you're beautiful" Levi told me while guiding my way to his car parked outside.
"And you sir" I pointed at his chest " Is a very very hot mess" It was the truth and he knew it.
"I know but not as hot as you"
It was a fifteen-minute drive from the party to Levi's house, the entire journey was quite and I couldn't help but get nervous at every passing second. I was about to do it. Closing the distance away from my faith. When we arrived at his house I was a shaking wreck.
"Are you alright?" Levi asked.
"Do I not look alright?" I asked him in a smirk trying to mask my nervousness.
"You look more than alright to me" He winked getting out the car.
I sat in my seat waiting for him to open my door but he just continued walking down the driveway.
I huffed and opening the door myself. What a gentleman, I thought, annoyingly falling  in steps with him. All nervousness forgotten. We entered his dark erie studio going upstairs, subconsciously holding onto his hand.
"Over there is the bathroom" He pointed at a door "That's the next room, the guys or Lexi used it to crash here sometimes, and this is my room," He told me opening the room door. The room was big to my surprise.
"So you live by your self" I stated the obvious.
"Pretty much, This was my eighteenth birthday present from my mom. She always wanted to get me out of her house" He shrugged while closing his room door. Confused, he entered the guest bedroom and closed the door behind us.
"And this my lady Is where we're going to watch Netflix and chill," then he crashed his soft buttery lips against mine.

*Levi at the top ;p

Spell check errors edited 18/10/2030.

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