Chapter One; Welcome Back

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Disclaimer; I do not own anything Harry Potter like. I only own Eliza-March Roux.

A/N; sorry about delecting the first chapter one but i've changed the hole story so it really just needed to be rid of. Anyhow enjoy, Caseye :)

Chapter one- Welcome back.

Hogwarts- Harry's third year, welcome back feast.

The room was filled with cheers as the last first year was sorted into Gryffindor. So far this year the famous trio of Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger had only had one problem. If that doesn't include the fact about the escape of Sirius Black.

Hermione and Harry were in mid conversation about the attack on the train to Hogwarts to be stopped by the Headmaster hushing the hall of students to start his welcome back speech.

"Shush, shush." The headmaster spoke softly to the hall full of happy pupils and extremely less happy Hogwarts professors. "Now welcome back to Hogwarts for another year..."

Harry, Hermione and Ron blanked the rest of the speech by talking in hushed tones.

Ron leaned into Harry's ear to ask, "You alright mate? On the train you gave us a bloody well scare." Harry was already fed up with everyone asking about how he was. Truly he just wanted Dumbledore to finish his annual speech and start the feast. Even though the strange character Remus Lupin had given him chocolate he still felt a little scared and the need to eat.

"... I'll like to welcome our new Defense against the Dark Arts teacher, Remus Lupin!" Dumbledore cheered, as did many Gryffindors, and clapped. Harry looked up to have a look at the new teacher to be welcomed by the face of the man who helped him on the train. He'd had to thank him he thought to himself.

"I bet he'll only last a year." Said one of the Weasley twins to the right of Harry.

"Okay, whoever loses has to tell the hot new girl that their gay." Said the other twin, Harry smiled. Everyone knew that only a few teachers have been able to hold down the Defense jobs for no more then a year.

Then it clicked in Harry's head. "Hot new girl?" Harry asked one the twins who he guessed was Fred.

"Yeah. She is totally,"

"Smoking," said the other twin.

"HOT!" The twins said together. 'Wow, she must be pretty hot if both the twins think she's hot.' Harry thought to himself. You see all the Gryffindors had or nearly have hit the age they all start to become a lot more involved in the female gender.

As the feast had begun Harry had been too involved about thinking about the new girl he had nearly dropped a spoonful of mash potato down his tie and shirt.

"For god’s sake Harry. Put your food in your mouth!" Said and over stressed Hermione, who had already finished her rant at Ron about eating properly. "Can't any of the male gender eat with their mouths close?" She practically shouts.

The whole population of males on the Gryffindor table looked up to stare at Hermione, in doing so some had even dropped the food in their mouths back onto their plates. Hermione sighs in frustration.

A hand goes onto Hermione’s shoulder, Hermione gasps as she looks at the woman staring down at her. "Don't worry dear; boys never learn how to eat properly. Trust me I've been around long enough to know this." The woman’s voice was silky smooth and had a faint accent.

The woman talking to Hermione was indeed Eliza-March Roux.

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