Chapter 9: Acceptance

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(Y/N) stared blankly at the television in front of her while eating her tube of ice cream. All of the sudden, she unconsciously licked her lips.

"Heheh. Someone is lovestruck." Her mother giggled.

"Huh? What are you talking about, mom?"

"Why didn't you tell me about Akashi-kun? Does Hime-chan know about this? He's such a sweetheart! You should totally go out with him and maybe even marry him!" (M/N) squealed before shaking her daughter.

"Don't say that so easily. I don't want to hear that from you. Besides, I hardly know that guy much." (Y/N) snapped causing her mother to flinch.

"I-I'm sorry, (Y/N). It's all my fault..if o-only I hadn't met and..married that trash..if only I had stayed home.." The woman started to sob. (Y/N) pulled her into an embrace.

"Mom, I didn't mean to snap. Please don't blame yourself. I'm all better don't have to beat yourself up and worry about it."

"My precious didn't do anything to deserve any of that..."

(Y/N) pursed her lips and continued to rub circles on her mother's back.


Her phone on the table rang and vibrated as (Y/N) sat on her bed. She sighed and plopped down before rolling over to grab the device. She wasn't very fond of gadgets that much.

Must be Hime, She thought. She answered the call.

"Good evening, (Y/N)."

She glanced at the screen. Akashi? Why does she have his-oh, yeah.

"Good evening to you too, Seijūrō-san." She replied.

"Thank you for having me over earlier. I want to ask you if you have any plans this Sunday?"

"I don't think I do. Why?"

"Then let's go on a date."


"Ah, forgive me. Let me rephrase myself." She heard him cough on the other side,

"Would you like to go out on a date with me this Sunday?"

"I..I don't see why not. Shall I prepare food?"

"That would be nice. I'll pick you up tomorrow at 1pm. Is that fine?"


"Great. I will look forward to it. See you soon, (Y/N)." With that he hung up.

(Y/N) pondered. She unwittingly agreed even though she hadn't gone on a date before. She's seen dates on movies so she opted to just go with the flow.

Her fingers ran through the screen as she called her bestfriend. A ringing could be heard before the call finally picked up.

"What?" An annoyed and groggy voice spoke.


"Oh. (Y/N). What's wrong? It's rare for you to call me unless I tell you to."

" Seijūrō-san asked me out on a date."

"Is that so? Did you agree?"

"Yes. Just thought that I should let you know that I'll be out on Sunday."

"That's good to hear then. And (Y/N)?"


"Don't worry. You can trust that bastard."

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