I miss you

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Hey guys, Megan the author here lmao. If you're confused by this chapter, don't worry. It's basically a continued fanfic version off the last chapter 'He's Changed'. This is phil's p.o.v and I do realise it's a little different, I just hope you all enjoy it. Thanks for reading:3
It's been quite a while since I've last seen Dan,
the person I last remembered him as was malicious and nasty. A cheater.
That was the impression he gave me. What did I do so wrong?

Why was I not good enough for him? He spent almost a year, fascinated by not only my videos but my personality... So what's changed?

That's the last text I ever sent Dan, I was straight forward, I couldn't put up with it for much longer, I was constantly alone in the house. He told me that he was 'round a friends'...

I knew who it was, PJ.

Dan didn't love me anymore, maybe he never did. Maybe he used me too try and become close too PJ, after all, Dan knew that I was close friends with a peej before I even started making videos.

I feel... So worthless.

I spent that night on the street, with nothing but my suitcase too keep me company... To keep me warm.

I live at my mums now... I have been for at least 6 months. Dan has never once text me... Maybe he's happier without me. Maybe he's with PJ. Maybe they live together and do all the same things that me and dan used too do.

I just have no choice but too suffer alone.

Does he miss me? Does he even spare a second too think about me? Take my feelings into consideration?

No. No, probably not. I'm being stupid.

I loved Dan, so much. That's the issue with becoming attached, when they leave you... Maybe not in the way off actually leaving as that was my choice, but leave you as in they don't look at you the same way anymore, they have no interest in spending time with you. Too put it simply...

They don't want you.

It hurts. It really hurts.

Why. Why me? I'm a good person... Right?

(There will be a dans P.O.V in the next chapter, pls comment and vote, tell me what you think?)

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