40 The Meeting

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Hello Melons! We have made it to the messed up chapter that confuses me!! I hope it makes sense, because it was hard to write this in a way that makes it easy to read. I did use my sister for a test run, and it made sense to her, but if anything is still confusing just ask me with a comment and I'll explain it best as possible. Sorry.

Here is how it will work : The narrator will be 3rd person, and they will be describing everything like normal. Dialog is also normal. Thoughts will be in italics. Before any and all thoughts will be the name of the person who thought it. I think that's about it for now...

Oh yah, forgot to say there is a part my friend wrote that got mixed in, so I guess it's kind-of a colab? Maybe? idk. If you like Yu-gi-oh and tragic one shots, go look up Tharkflark1. She's really good at that kind of thing. Well, with that out of the way, ENJOY!!


Ellie had gotten there early, and was now leaning against the wall, waiting for Scorpion to show up.

Conan was watching from the roof. The tranquilizer would finally be fixed tomorrow, and as he had brought his OP shoes and a soccer ball instead. The ball sat on the edge, ready to be kicked any direction at a moment's notice.

The two did not speak to each other, in fact, Ellie didn't even know where Conan was, only that he was watching near by. She rolled her eyes to herself.

Ellie : I know perfectly well what I'm doing. You really didn't need to come, Conan. You think you know everything, but trust me, by the end of tonight you'll be the only one left confused.

Conan : You'll regret this choice deeply soon. Then you'll know why I said don't go.

Scorpion was a few blocks away, and would be visible to Conan if he turned to her direction. Her footsteps echoed louder the closer she got. As she turned the corner, Conan and Ellie both looked up to face her.

Scorpion : Last chance... please... run! Run before I can hurt you!!

The 2 girls examined each other in silence for a long time. Ellie's hands where in her pockets, and her hood pulled up so it shadowed over her face. She hid nothing, for she had nothing to hide. Scorpion, on the other hand, had tons of secrets. One being, the gun behind her back.

Scorpion : Do you not understand who I am?! Please!! Get away!! I don't want to kill another person!!

She waited another minute for her target to run away, but she remained at the other end of the alleyway, feet fixed in place.

Scorpion and Conan : There is a fine line between bravery and stupidity. She obviously can't find it. What is wrong with her?!?!

Scorpion loaded the gun. She didn't make it super loud to create unwanted attention, but did try to get Ellie's attention drawn to it. Somehow, she didn't hear it. Conan did. He pulled his foot into the kicking position, ready to knock the living lights out of Scorpion. But a second before foot and ball made contact -

"I'M SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!!!!!" Ellie was so fast no one saw her move. She was just suddenly... there. Hugging Scorpion's leg. Crying like an idiot. Wait, no, she WAS an idiot.Conan sweat dropped.

For a while, Scorpion just stood there. She hadn't felt a hug in so long, and even if it was only for her leg, it felt kind of nice. Scorpion : No! What are you thinking?! You know you're not allowed to have this! You know that! What would the organisation think?!?!

Once recovered from shock, Scorpion tried to shake her off, but Ellie hung tight. Scorpion was at a loss of words. Why wouldn't she let go?? Ellie looked up into Scorpion's eyes, giving her a stupidly huge smile. Scorpion tried to stare past it.

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