Chapter Ten

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I'm standing in front of the vault, wearing my black tenant, watching for anyone coming close to it.I was very excited that night.

"I can't believe they promoted me to the leader of the guards!if only my parents could see me no-"

I felt A slight pain on the back of my neck and I pull out what seems to a tiny dart.I instantly felt tired and collapsed on the ground.

Before I knew a fiery red haired girl stand over me and yelled,"Leave nothing behind boys!"

I jolted awake and sat up, "Now I remember!"I said in a hush voice.


I've been up all night pacing, I can't believe Katie was the one who ruined my career!What happened with her after these years?And who were the "boys" she was talking about?Why didn't she killed me?I heard a creak behind me and I back handed, only to stopped to see Alison's green emerald eyes.They looked scared and I let my hand down.

"Sorry...I.."She put a hand on my shoulder.

"what is it?"

I sat down, "I remember who Katie was...she was the one who ruined my career...."

She sat down next to me and kissed my cheek."I'm sorry that happened to you..."

Her ears went down slightly.

"It's fine...I lost my rage a long time with her"I lied, I was furious!

I wanted her to pay, but I'm not going to let the others know that.I was gonna make Katie pay for what she did, but I will after I ask her some questions first.

Alison sighed and lay down on the bed, "Okay, just don't do anything you'll regret."

I nodded, "Alright, get some'll need it."

She nodded and went back to sleep, meanwhile I decided to head out for a bit.I put on my clothes and went out the door.As I headed down stairs, I heard two people talking.

"And how do you know it's that guard?"This was a male voice.

"He looked at me as if he knew me!"Now this one was a woman's voice, presumingly Katie's.

I stand on the staircase quietly, crouching.

"Oh yeah?well from the description you made I highly doubt it." The man exclaimed.

"I'm telling you, it's truly him!It was the dude we knock out-"Katie said but was interrupted by the man.

" 'We', oh no, that wasn't a 'we' during the heist, that was you!You didn't want to kill him like you were told to, you were afraid that we would have gotten caught!"

I heard someone let out a huff, probably Katie.

"I thought that being hit with the dart would make him sleep AND forget our faces."

I heard a scoff, maybe the man's.

"Whatever, I know him, if he remembers, he won't stop getting to the bottom of it!"

I heard footsteps coming and I hid in the shadows as I see a tall man, in a black garment uniform, his head had short hair.

He turn to face Katie, "And he doesn't care who he hurts to get to the bottom."

I saw his face and I knew exactly who he was, "Josh..." I thought.

Josh was my best friend on the "black tigers"squad, the name we were given when we were leaders of the guards.His face was the same, blue eyes, slightly crooked nose, and always that grim frown, the only thing that changed was a scar on his right eye.

The Markजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें