Chapter Six

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As we got into the town, we decided to see the market.Leaf Mountain is known to have the most exotic product to sell, from Golden Carrots to the Emerald Crowns.Me and Alison lost the group at the market, so we stayed with each other.I didn't actually mind it, I hope she doesn't either..

"Bread, Get the finest bread here!" One of the vendors yelled.

" 'Ey lady, what do ya think of this necklace!?"Another vendor yelled at Alison, she ignored him.

"So, what do you want to get..?"

She shrugged, "I don't know.."

I smiled, she must have saw, "Why are you smiling all the time?"

"I don't know, just 'cause I can.." I said with a shrug.

She smiled and as I tried to smile back, I could only go grim.

In the distance, I saw a familiar face, "Uh, stay right here, I'll be right back.."

"oh, uh, okay..."She said,confused.

I nodded and walked over to the figure, grabbing their arm, "Daniel!?What the hell are you doing here!?"

Daniel flashed me a devious grin, "Wondering where you went..You didn't report back from your raid in a couple of days..."

"How did you find me?!"

He shrugged and grinned devilishly, "I have thieves everywhere Max."

"Well sorry, I was held up..."

"by the girl?" He motions his head to where Alison was.

"No, she has a group..Now if you'll excuse me.." I went to go back but Daniel grabbed my arm.

"How 'bout this Max, you don't come back with her group in Tamil, you will be brutally punished.."

I turned to him, "What do you want from them, huh?"

"They're hiding something that's worth a lot of money..." I didn't know what he means...The sword or Hector...

I sighed, "Fine...I'll...I'll persuade them to go through Tamil..."

He gave me his devilish smile, "Good.."

He lets go and disappears into the crowd.I turned and went back to Alison, this is going to get me killed either way...


Me and Alison bought bread, cheese, a little bit of liqueur, and some supplies we'll probably need.

"Hey Alison..?"

She looks at me, "Hmm?"

"I was looking over the map and, the only way to Triscindria is through Tamil..."

I wasn't actually lying, the only way to get to Triscindria is through Tamil..but there were small trails we could go on.

"Oh really?Alright I'll let the others know"

I nodded and put on a smile.Alison turned and walked to another stand. Alison walked quite fast for a woman her height, I mean she seems to be six feet and an inch No more, and she's faster than a horse, I basically have to jogged to keep up with her.Eventually, we sat down near a little cafe and ordered some drinks.I got a hot chocolate to keep warm on the cold December morning and Alison got coffee, black.I tend to like bitter things, but I just felt like something sweet to get my mind off the horrible deal I made.

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