Chapter Nine

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I woke up in a dark room, my head throbbing, I went to rub the area.That's when I felt a fuzzy thing on my head.I touched it and it turned out to be and ear, I felt the other side and sure enough, there was another one! I stand up, now aware where I was, it looked like a dungeon, jail cells each seemed to hold people, two at the most.I looked in the cell I was in and saw someone was in here.

I yelled, "EY, WAKE UP!!"

The person turned over to me, had two cat ears, probably like me.I took a closer look to see it was Penelope!She had orange and white ears, and I saw her orange TAIL, SHE HAD A TAIL!!

I nudged her, "HEY GET UP!!!!"I yelled and she sat up.

"What?nya~" Her eyes widened and a hand seemed to clamp over her mouth.

I sighed, "Just as I figured.We were turned into nekos..."

I look to see if I had a tail, yep, black was its color.I sighed, great, me yelling must have woken up everyone too.

"Where the hell are we?"I turned to see Alison asking that, she had black ears and a black tail.

"WHAT THE HELL IS ON MY HEAD!?"It was Hector, who had grey ears and tail, yell as he pull on them.

Bella had light blue ears and a black tail, Al had yellow ears and tail.

"We were turned it nekos."I told them.

"Which is?"I heard Bella asked.

"Cat people."I said bluntly.

"Great, now I can't wait to get my hands on Jeffrey!" I heard, surprisingly, Al say.

"I don't think the person, or thing, we encounter was Jeffrey.." I said.

All of them looked confused and I told them before I passed out I saw Jeffrey changed into something else.

"So we don't even know who it is?" I heard Alison asked.

"Yep.More importantly,why did he pretend to be Jeffrey?And how did he know me?"I sighed

"If I can melt the bar, I can get us out of here..."I told them.

They all seemed relief, but I wasn't, "Hector, make me angry."I yelled at him.

"Wait, WHY!?" He sounded confused.

"My power only works when I'm protecting people or agitated."Hector sighed.

"Very well..." I heard a shuffle, "You are the reason why we are in this mess, if we didn't follow you around, we would've been safer!"

I felt my cheeks burn, I can feel the anger building.

"And to lie about how we had to go through Tamil because it was the only way was a disappointment in my opinion."

I clenched the bar, but didn't feel the flames.

"It's not working..."I said with a heavy sigh.

"Let me try Max."I heard Alison ask.

"I guess we don't have a choice..okay."

She shuffled, "Why didn't you say anything about the mark?huh?We wouldn't have come here if you just shown us it!"

Now I felt my anger build, "Would your father wanted to see his son, once a guard, now a cowardly thief?!"

That got to me and my eyes turned into an orange vision.

"What about your mother?Or brother, who idolized you, you want them to see how much of a cow-"

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