"Alright, let's go explore this place."


Daryl and I stand together as we watch the man in front of us examine our daughter. She wriggles on the table as he holds the stethoscope to her chest. Pete is Jessie's husband, the woman who cut Rick's hair yesterday and brought us some supplies. He has offered to give us all a check up, insisting on the children first. Judith and Beth have already been checked over with their families and now it's Amelia's turn.

He concentrates for a moment before he smiles and straightens up, "Everything seems normal. She has a strong heartbeat and her breathing is fine. I would like to take a blood sample just to see if there is anything going on inside of her body but besides that she seems to be a perfectly healthy baby like the other two."

I let out a relieved breath and lean into Daryl's side, "Oh thank god." I whisper in relief.

Pete chuckles and turns to Daryl and I, "So do you both want to come over while I take the blood and then I'll check you both over?"

We both nod our heads as we walk over and both stand on either side of little Amelia, Daryl reaching over and holding her arm down as Pete pulls out the syringe to take the blood. He pokes the needle into her arm and she begins to cry loudly as he draws the blood. I lean over her and hold her still, "I know Darling, but it will be over soon sweetheart." I say, hating the sound of her cries that break my heart.

Pete pulls back, "I'm done now." He says as he walks away to label the blood sample and I nod, picking her up and rocking her to clam her down.

"You're fine sweetheart, it's over." I say, kissing her head.

"Daryl, would you like to go first?" Pete asks.

Daryl glances over at the two of us before nodding and taking a seat on the bed as Pete begins to check him over. He does the normal procedure, heartbeat, temperature, eye test, blood test etc. Soon enough he is finished with Daryl and he does the same to me quickly.

Once he is finished he faces the two of us, "Over all you both are healthy. Again there is some malnutrition and fatigue but with time that should go away. When I have finished taking a look at the blood samples I'll let you know how everything else is."

"Thank you so much Pete." I say with a big smile, "Yes, thank you." Daryl adds.

He nods his head and gives us a humble smile, "It's nothing, it's just as much my job to help people now as it was before the world disappeared."

I nod my head and he steps back, "How about you all go and explore around a little? There's a lot you guys haven't seen yet."

"Yeah, we'll go do that. And thank you again." I say, truly grateful for him taking a look over Amelia.

"You're both welcome." He says.

We both get up and make our way out of the clinic, stepping out onto the street. The bright sunshine shines down on us and the weather is beautiful. I hear the sound of children laughing and a dog barking the distance, something I haven't heard since the prison.

"Which way?" I ask him, looking up at his face.

He looks both ways before taking my free hand and leading me towards the centre of town to continue our exploring. As we walk I glance up at him, "So what do you think?"

"What do you mean?" He asks, glancing down at me.

"Of this place?" I ask, looking around, "I mean it's pretty incredible."

New Beginnings (Sequel to 'Torn Apart')Where stories live. Discover now