Chapter 11 : Demons

Start from the beginning

For a moment, she thought he wasn't going to turn. Then, with a self-control that surprised Mira, even with his apparent contrariety, he stopped, waiting for her to speak.

- I know where it is. Want it or not, you won't be alone today. Even if I have to follow you by driving in another car, I'll be there. I just wanted you to know.

Mira surprised herself with the calm she was able to keep while announcing him her intentions. She was however drowned by anxiety. She knew Laxus was too, in his own way. He sighed, or growled in frustration, she wasn't sure... probably a mix of both, thought Mira.

- You can come with me to Hargeon, he let out. But you're not going out of the car if my father really is there. I have to do this alone.

It was his condition. And it was reasonable. Relieved, Mira followed him to a car she easily recognised as one of M. Makarov's. He must have taken it the night before. She silently sat on the passenger's seat while Laxus was starting the engine. The silence was there most of the way, a tension reigning in the automobile.

- Laxus? She finally broke the silence.

He turned his look on her. What she saw broke her heart. Even if he put back on his annoyed expression only a slip second later, Mira had time to see what he was trying to hide. His eyes had express pain, anxiety and most likely anticipation. Will his father really live up to his expectations after all these years? Will he only be there? At that moment, Mira understood Ivan Dreyar represented all of the blond man's inner demons and that, tonight, everything will be questioned. Without thinking, the young woman put her hand on his, lying itself on the shifter. His hand stiffened but didn't flinch. Encouraged, Mira tightened a little her hand on his, showing she was giving him her support.


After what seemed like the longest wait of his whole life, Laxus parked at the entrance of the port. He still didn't understood why he didn't remove his hand, but the heat from Mira's appeased him... a little. When he stopped the car, he turned to Mira. The later understood by the look he gave her that it was now time to honor her promise and to wait for him. She nodded to indicate she would do as agreed.

The young man was relieved. He wasn't in the mood for another confrontation and he wanted to do that alone. He also wanted her to stay out of all this. His own thoughts startled him. Since he saw her true colors, Laxus surprised himself to worry about what happened to her. Probably because she'd been injured by his fault... Stupid culpability, he thought.

Without a word, he let behind him the car and walked to the hangar. No one was there. The sun was barely down. Even if it was not likely that someone would be there that early, Laxus couldn't completely ignore the bad impression that his father wasn't going to be there.

As if he hadn't do it enough, the impatient young man waited again. Then he saw it. A shadow afar. The one that was only a memory. His father's. He was escorted, but that, Laxus didn't give a crap. He couldn't keep his attention elsewhere than on Ivan Dreyar.

Except a couple of grey hair contrasting with his black locks and a couple of wrinkles in the corner of his eyes, he hadn't change. But what was he even expecting? If for him, six years made the difference between his teenage years and adulthood, for a man in his fifties, it was only a little portion of his life. He finally was a couple of steps from him.

- Ivan, he let out.

- Is it all you have to say to your father after all those years, he said with an evil smile.

Laxus didn't add a thing, simply staring at his father. The later was also staring, seeming to analyse every part of him.

- You achieved to be a real man after all, he said with satisfaction. Last time I saw you I was wondering if you would one day have any muscular mass...

- Why didn't you tell me you were out of jail? Laxus cut him off. For God's sake, I didn't even know you were in prison! He stormed out.

He wasn't expecting himself to react that way, but the frustration that had accumulated in him during all those years finally burst out.

- You weren't ready, he simply said. The fact that you're here now means that you are.

- Not ready? You vanished without a word! And the old man never told me what appended!

- I see that this old fool didn't change at all, said Ivan putting a hand on his son's shoulder. You'll now be able to use your potential with me, no doubts about that.

- Potential? He growled, hating the terminology.

- I have to admit, I had my doubts before today, but seeing you here, I think you'll be a good acquirement.

Anger wasn't enough to describe what Laxus was feeling. After six years, all his father was able to do was to evaluate his value. Disappointment would come but at that instant, it was hidden by rage. Tightening his fists, he was about to retort something when a silver luster got his attention.

- I told you to stay in the car! He shouted recognising Mira.

She didn't answer. She didn't even look at him. She was frozen with stupefaction and her blue eyes had expended more than Laxus could ever had imagined. Then he recognised something he never saw before in her: fear.


Hours had passed since the young man left Mira in the car. Have he been able to see his father or was he still waiting, alone, in front of the hangar? Have he been attacked? Could he have let her here? Her heart tightened at that last thought. After a moment, before turning completely crazy by all the scenarios she was imagining, she decided to give a peek... just to assure herself everything was fine. When she was close enough to see the group, she easily recognised Laxus. He was talking with the man in front of him who could only be his father. Relieved, she was going to get back to the car when a man a little further from the group than the others saw her.

- Where are you going sweetheart, he said pushing her in the other's direction.

Looks turned on her while she was lurching. One of them sent shivers down her spine. She felt the blood leaving her face. It was him. It couldn't be anyone else. Queasiness took over her when she understood that the origin of Laxus' torments was also the one that created her own demons.

Hi everyone! Sorry for ending the chapter in such a sudden way. I had far too many thing to wright for only one chapter ;) So, expect revelations and answers to some questions in the next one ;)

See you soon! Lily xx

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