Should We Really?

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One Year Later.. (Sorry guys!)

Michael's POV

"We did it." Chamber with a huge smile says as I walk past her in the bathroom, and stopped. "What?" I thought about it for a sec. "We did?" I cocked my head sideways. "Yeah." She said with a big smile. I pick her up and spin her around, laughing. "I love you. This is amazing!" I said setting her down. She gave me a kiss. "Let's go tell everyone." She said grabbing my hand and running out of the bathroom, like a happy teenager. 

"Well, what is it?" Saphire says sitting down on the couch with Ashton. Last time we sat everyone to talk was about the wedding. I guess that's how we announce things in this family.  Chamber grips me even tighter. She takes her other hand on her stomach. "It's a girl." I smile. Chamber has been pregnant for a while, and we are getting closer and closer to the due date. She's in the last month of her pregnancy, and there has been some ups and downs. She's hormonal like crazy, but she always apologizes for it, which is cute. She sleeps and eats constantly, which is good for her and the baby. However, lately she has been having these things called "contractions" which are like extremely painful cramps. Every time she gets them, I feel like we should take her to the hospital, but she says that they are a part of getting your body ready to go into labor. I just can't wait for the day she's born and neither can the rest of the family. Chamber is ready for this pregnancy to be over considering its been rough. "Luke, you owe me big time. Pay up fucker." Calum stands up. "How much is it this time?" Ashton asks. "Two hundred and fifty bucks." Luke mumbles. "Every time you bet about me, you always lose Luke. You should have learnt that by now." Chamber laughs. "He obviously hasn't." I say as we all glare at Luke who looks ashamed and embarrassed. "Daddy I'm going to have a baby sister?" Charisma breaks the icy silence. "Yeah. I guess you are." I say smiling at her and Chamber. "Someone other than Uncle Luke and Calum to play Barbie's with!" She exclaims. I look over to Luke and Calum who look like they have been replaced. "Don't worry you guys, you can play with both of them." I assure them. "Have you guys picked out names yet?" Ashton asks. "Not necessarily. I would pick something like a color or that has to do with music, like Violet, or Melody. However, I know Chamber wants something that came from one of our families, which I completely understand." I finish. "Why don't you guys mix them? Or have one for a first name and one for a middle name." Luke suggests. It's not actually a bad idea. "We still have some time." Chamber says. I finally am realizing that this is actually happening. I am going to have two amazing, beautiful daughters. This family is coming together, just as it should be.          


Chamber's POV

I prop myself up with a pillow. "Babe are you okay?" Michael walks in with a plate of food. "Yeah just crampy that's all." I chuckle. "Thanks." I say as I take the plate of food from him. "So I was thinking.." Michael says climbing on the bed. "Yeah?" I cut in. "I have been thinking, what if we named her Blaire Karen Clifford?" "Karen as in your mom?" I ask. "Yeah. I know your family life has been sucky since high school, and I don't know you wanted a family name and I thought Blair is a cool name and-" I cut him off again, but with a kiss this time. "No. It sounds beautiful, like she will be when we meet her. It should be your mom. She has been a huge help with the pregnancy, and what not. We owe it to her. And Blair is a badass name." I smiled. "So we would have Charisma Faith Clifford, and Blair Karen Clifford. I like it." I say. "Really? I do too." Michael asked smiling, while also seeming shocked that I agreed to it. "Yeah, I can't wait. Now. Let's go to bed shall we?" I say putting the empty plate of food on the nightstand, and pulling the covers over Michael and myself. "Good night, love. Good night, Blair." He said kissing my stomach. "I love you." I whispered back.     

Author's Note: Hey guys. Chamber's pregnant wow! I was not ready for that! So I'm sorry for the time jump, but I have a good idea for this book. I am thinking about a sequel. I also am going to start a Luke Hemmings fanfiction. But don't worry I will work on this one as well. So once again, sorry for the huge time jump, and I really hope you are enjoying this fan fic!  

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