Five Seconds of Summer

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Chamber's POV


It was about 9:00am when I finally got out of bed. When I opened my eyes, I saw Charisma lying next to me asleep, hugging her stuffed dog. I got up and showered. I found myself just standing under the water thinking. When I started to think, I would get into deep thought and forget whatever task I had been doing. By the time I got dressed, put minimal make-up on, and styled my hair, it was about 10:30am. I found Charisma in her room playing with her dolls, playing house as it was so called. I went downstairs, and started to make breakfast. I made bacon, eggs, and pancakes. Before my parents had kicked me out, my dad was an excellent chef, so he taught me a few things. I picked up Charisma and brought her downstairs to eat and I was finishing my breakfast as she was just starting hers. I looked at my phone and had a missed call and a text from Michael.

One missed call: Michael.

One unread text: Michael:

Hey so I remembered that you haven't met the rest of the guys in my band, so I wanted you to meet them. Text me when you get this. -M

Outgoing text:

I want to meet them. You guys are called Five seconds of Summer right? When and where can we meet? I will find someone to babysit Charisma, maybe Saphire can do it when she gets off of work.

One unread text: Michael:

Yeah, Five Seconds of Summer. Uh in an hour? You can bring Charisma I want them to meet her. Does that sound alright? They know about what's going on, but they don't know you, so they wanted to meet you. I can come and pick you guys up. Where do you live?

Outgoing Text:

Yeah sure that will work. 413 Pendle St. See you soon.

"Charisma honey, do you want to see daddy?" I yelled up to her room. "Yeah mommy!" She yelled back down. I helped her get dressed in a dress with some shorts under and flats. She said she wanted to look nice for Michael.


By the time Michael came, it was 11:30am. I told Charisma to bring a couple of her Barbie dolls so she wouldn't be bored the whole time. He kept asking her questions, trying to get to know more about her. I was watching the road. When we got there, it was a huge house, maybe even three stories high. I was in awe. Michael yelled through the house until we saw three guys sitting on the couch. One of them happened to recognize me, and then I thought for a second. Calum? "Chamber?" He questioned me. "Y-Yeah. Hi Calum!" I was happy to see him he must have gotten some tattoos in the years past because he had multiple. He knew that I dropped out of school, but he didn't know why. I told most of the people at school before I left, that my family was having a mid-life crisis, the only person I told the real reason to Saphire and her parents because I knew that they would understand. Then another one of them stood up, with brown curly hair and very toned biceps. "Hi I'm Ashton. Ashton Irwin." He said pulling me in for a hug. He seemed very outgoing and friendly. Then, the last one stood up. He was the tallest amongst them, had a blond quiff, and a lip piercing. He seemed kind of shy. "Hey I'm Luke Hemmings. Michael has said so much about you." He said, also pulling me in for a hug. "Oh has he now?" I looked at Michael and smirked. Charisma was tugging my pant leg. "Oh and this" pushing her forward, "this is my daughter Charisma." "Hello." She smiled and waved. "She has Michael's same dopey smile." Calum said looking at her. "Yeah... I never saw that." I never really thought about how much she looked like Michael the only thing I gave her was her luscious hair. We all talked for a while, and they started to tell me about their band, and how they started to become famous, meet One Direction, etc. Ashton and Michael were playing with Charisma and her dolls. She looked so happy. We were all getting along so well. Calum pulled me in the kitchen to help get snacks out. "He really likes you, ya know. He is genuinely sorry about everything too." He seemed like he felt bad for me. "I'm happy to catch back up with him he has been great with Charisma, and nice to me." I said smiling weakly. "That's nice to know." He did the same. There was a pause while we were cutting up vegetables. "So how and when did you meet Michael?" I asked. "Well after you left school we got really tight and I got tight with Luke and Ashton also. Michael thought he drove you away. He thought you might have committed suicide, since he was so violent to you. You didn't tell him before. He was shocked to see you. He has been a really good person for almost three years. He has his anger problems but we all help him get through it. He really wants to be a part of you and Charisma's life." He was being genuinely honest I could tell. "Thank you for telling me that Calum. It means a lot." I smiled at him and he smiled back. He walked over and gave me a hug. "At least give him a chance to prove himself to you." He said walking away as he was bringing the tray of vegetables out to the rest of the group. Calum was right. Michael really does deserve another chance. He is only going to get one and that's it. We all were eating snacks and I realized that it was almost 6:00pm. "Oh it's getting late." I stood up. "It was a pleasure to meet you guys, and to see you Calum." He winked at me. "We need to go, I need to make dinner for Saphire and us two, I hope to see you guys again sometime in the near future." I smiled. "I think we can arrange that." Luke smiled. "I will drive you home." Michael said following us.


We pulled back up to our house. "Thank you for having us." I say. "Oh no, thank you for coming." He says as he kisses my cheek. "I will talk with you soon." I say getting out of the car. He unbuckles Charisma. "I will see you soon too cookie." He says tickling her stomach. "Bye Daddy." We both wave goodbye and walk back into the house.


Michael's POV


I watch as they walk back into the house. They are really special. I think. I hope Chamber gives me one more chance. I want to be a big part of her and Charisma's life. I am
her father after all. I hope the boy's and I can give them the family that they deserve.

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