Tides are Changing

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Chamber's POV

Michael, Charisma and I have been hanging out almost every day this week. They are getting along so well, and we truly do look like a real family. The boys and I have become very close too. Ashton has been helping babysit with Luke and Michael, and Calum has gone to the mall and shopping with me for Charisma. Things seem to be falling into place.


Michael's POV 


I couldn't be happier. After all that I have been through, I could use some good. I really like Chamber and Charisma. But I want to bond with Chamber more though. Maybe I can make dinner for her or get some help to do it. That's what I'll do! I know just who to use!


Chamber's POV:

One Unread Text: Michael:

Hey Chamber, I was thinking that maybe you and I could spend some time together? Tonight? Ashton said he would be happy to watch Charisma for us.

Outgoing Text: Michael:

Sounds perfect. When?

One Unread Text: Michael:

7pm. I will pick you up. Bring a swim suit. See you tonight :).

I smiled after I read each text. He really has become a different person. I barely remember the old Michael. He made me happy, and I hope that's what I make him. I was falling in love with him, and it wouldn't be such a bad thing. Would it? I mean, to reunite this family would make things better and healthier for Charisma, but it needs to be right. I told him he had one chance I hope he doesn't blow it.


By the time it was seven I was trying to put my hair up and do minimal make-up. I heard a knock on the door and it was Ashton coming to get Charisma and take her to their house. Saphire went to answer the door. When I walked downstairs I saw them talking, and her twisting her hair. It was obvious she liked him. I went to get Charisma and gave her to Ashton. She really likes him. They have a strong bond and it's nice to see she gets along with the other guys too. "Michael should be on his way." He assured me. They left and I kept telling Saphire to just ask him out. They both gave off good vibes to each other.

Twenty minutes later, the doorbell rang again. He was wearing swim trunks and a Green Day tank top. I was in shorts and a tank top with my bikini underneath. "Wow you look, beautiful." He said staring at me top to bottom. "Well thank you." I smiled. We left and listened to Bring Me to the Horizon and both were singing from the top of our lungs. We sounded awful but we didn't care. When we got to the beach, we walked down the beach for about five minutes, and then I saw what he had planned. There was a huge blanket in the sand, with tea lights placed around it. When we sat down we were staring straight at the sun set and it completed what he had done. "Did you do all of this?" I asked. "No I had some help from the guys. They did it while I was coming to get you." He answered. I started to blush. "It's beautiful really, but you didn't need to do this." Tears started to form behind my eyes and Michael could tell. "No don't cry. I have made you cry enough since you've known me. Let's enjoy this picnic Calum made." He put his hand against my cheek. We were eating deli sandwiches that Calum made and they were the best things I had ever had. Who knew he could cook? "Michael why did you bully me?" I blurted out. I did not mean to say that! What was I doing? He finished chewing and started to speak. "Well back then I was having a really hard time. I was drinking and doing all the wrong things. I had major depression and anxiety. My family would always call me a freak. I took my anger out on you because you were my dart and the lockers were my dartboard. You were always just there. I never apologized because then I felt like that would truly make me a freak. I knew my family is wrong but they are my family. I caused you so much pain and never really apologized. I'm so sorry for ruining your life just because mine was crappy. I'm just so sorry." He started to cry, which made me start balling. I finally got myself to stop and kissed his cheek. "You didn't ruin my life you gave me the best gift in the world. Our daughter." He looked up into my eyes, his forehead on mine, and slowly pressed his lips against mine. I opened my mouth and we twirled our tongues around each other's fighting for dominance. When he pulled away we both took deep breaths and watched them float off into the air. "Thank you." He whispered. "For what?" I asked. "For forgiving me and showing me that apologizing doesn't make me a freak. It makes me stronger." He said kissing my forehead. We got up and walked hand in hand back to the car. We didn't use our swimsuits but who cares? This was way better.


Michael's POV

We got back to the house and Charisma was asleep in the guest bedroom, and Chamber didn't want to wake her so she slept at our house. I let her borrow one of my My Chemical Romance shirts to sleep in as I stripped till I was in my boxers. She climbed into bed and laid right next to me. I wrapped my arms around her and played with her hair till we both fell asleep. This night was perfect.


When I woke up, Chamber wasn't next to me and I went to check the guest room for Charisma, they weren't there I started to worry until I got a call.

Bullied By Michael CliffordTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang