[1] (under editing)

454 16 1

Word Count:966


I walk into S.T.A.R. Labs to start hunting meta-humans for the day. I spot Cisco walking around, talking to himself.

"Hey Cisco, you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Just thinking about how to stop this meta-human..."

"Oh Cisco don't bother, I already found a way to stop him."

I show him the test tubes in the lab.

"Oh wow, so do they take away his powers to morph permanently?"

"No, just temporally, but long enough for Barry to stop him."

"Oh speaking of Barry we should call him to come."


I take out my phone and dial Barry's number. After the third ring he picks up his phone.

"Hey Caitlin, what's up?"

"Barry I need you to get to S.T.A.R. Labs right now, we found a way to stop the meta-human."

"I'm coming, be there in a few minutes."


After I hang up the phone I hear a knock on the door, I open it to reveal Eddie.

"Eddie? What in the world? How did you get out?"

"Captain Singh called in a favor. Got a judge to sign my release."

"I was on the phone with Iris earlier. Why haven't you called her? Hold on."

Everything goes black.


I knock him out right after he finishes talking.

"I have no idea who she is."

Time to get a little sneaky in S.T.A.R. Labs, I smirk. I put my hand down on this so-called Barry's chest and morph into him.

I drag Barry into the closet and put duct tape over his face and tie his arms together with rope. I'm halfway downstairs and hear a knock on the door. A woman comes inside.

"Barry, its me."


"I figured out a way to stop our shape-shifter from morphing into other people."

"Oh, really?"

"What if I create a serum that will terminate the polymerization reaction? Essentially forcing the bonds to revert to their original form. Stop him from being able to control his power."

"You can do that?"

"Yeah, I think so."


"What's wrong with you?"

Shit. Play it cool, play it cool.


"Look, about last night...I can't imagine how hard his must be for you. I mean, I know how desperate you are to solve your mom's murder. But...let's just bury the hatchet, and we'll go back to S.T.A.R. Labs. Figure out how to catch this 'Everyman'."


"Bad nickname?"

"No. No, I kind of like it."

Heh, that's a good nickname.

"Okay, good. Me too.


Barry has been acting really strange ever since I brought up the topic of stopping Bates. I have a bad feeling about this...

/at S.T.A.R. Labs/

I am in the lab as Barry walks in.

"Hey. Good to go. I just need to...give it a little spin"
referencing to the device that spins serums.

"Uh, Barry can you just watch out, I need to spin the serums together.."

"U-uh yeah sure, here you go."

I put the last of the four serums together on the spinner and start spinning them. They finally finish and I feel warm breaths right behind me.
I turn around to put the serum into the shot, and find Barry right in front of my face.

"What are you doing?"
I say giving him a weird look as I walk over to the needles.
I hear Barry walk closer behind me.

"Something, I should have done a long time ago..."

I feel arms grab my wrists and twirl me around. I see Barry centimeters, centimeters away from me inching toward my face. He kisses me passionately and I feel like I'm betraying Ronnie by letting him kiss me. I stop Barry for a second,

"B-Barry uh-"

I get cut off by him kissing me again, deeper this time.
Do I want this? I think about when I would be attracted by Barry. Hell, yes I want this.

I kiss Barry back and we start making out. We get cut off by an alarm and I turn around to look at the computer, I see security footage of Iris on her way up her in the elevator.

"Oh looks who's here."

"Yes. Her."

Strange, her? This is not right.

Iris walks in angrily and tells us about Eddie.

"Don't you see?"

"It seems pretty simple to me."
Barry replies

"What's wrong with you?"

I get a flashback of the kiss that happened barely a minute ago, and remember the warm feeling of Barry. I've always liked him, I just never knew he would like me back. I get back to reality and exchange a glance with Barry.

"N-nothing I didn't do anything."

"Well, this is what happens in the video."

Iris stops the video when Eddie is about to shoot the cops.

"See! Eddie is right-handed and this meta human is left-handed, Eddie's being framed!"

I hear jolts of electricity hit a person and turn around to a unconscious Barry lying on the floor with a gun in his left-hand. Wells appears from the hallway and speaks,

"Your observation was spot-on Miss West, the man here is left handed and as is our Barry is indeed right-handed, this is Bates."

I get upset. It was fake, a fake Barry. A fake kiss. I knew something was going on. Barry will never have feelings for me as much as I do for him...

I talk in a frustrated tone,

"Oh I knew it!"

Wells and Iris give me a glance,


End of chapter

Author's note
Yes, I know this chapter is short. It's basically a part of  1x19 [my favorite episode, you know why...]  next chapter will be about 1-3 months later? Updating soon, sorry if I don't!

Our Story: Snowbarry [DISCONTINUED]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα