1. Tea With Secret Friends

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So this is the beginning of a giant collection of Hetalia Fandom Writings I make and PLEASE ignore the spelling and grammar errors. This is purely for fun and not for profit. Please respect the creator Hidekazu Himaruya and Tokyopop as well as Funimation.

SO!! Wrote this in under 45 minutes as the library was closing.

Theme Song: Tea Party - Kerli




England: Arthur Kirkland

Japan: Kiku Honda

Italy: Feliciano Vargas

Romano: Lovino Vargas

Canada: Matthew Williams

Wind swept over the courtyard, leaves moving just so to remove enough to view into the private tea party. Allied forces and axis powers alike joined for a wonderful afternoon of conversation and... not war.

"Germany..." Feliciano flushed, sipping on the tea provided by Nadia, Arthur's magical humanoid created from flesh and energy.

"R-really?!" Matthew jumped, cheeks rosier than Feliciano's. It was to be expected.

"Yeah..." He nodded, Arthur smiling gently.

"Not really much to do for you. Germany has very little attention span for these sorts of things. Just shrug it off," Arthur chuckled, pulling off a small sandwich from the tea tray.

"I can't shrug it off! He's my brother!" Lovino protested, gulping down his lemonade.

"I wouldn't be talking, Lovino. Aren't you with Antonio(Spain)?" Kiku smirked, Lovino about bursting into tears in shock.


"Sowwy," Feliciano bowed his head lightly, curlicue bobbing with his apology.

"Yoooouuuu...." Lovino glared, cheeks redder than the roses blooming behind them.

"Settle down everyone. This is a gathering of friends, not enemies. Plus, we get one chance in six months to gossip like the girls. Enjoy yourself!" Arthur whispered as if it matter.

"Your aleve, sir," Nadia stepped in, handing Arthur two blue pills. He threw them back, swallowing hard with his tea.

"Aleve? Since when do you need...?" Matthew began, taking his words back and blushing.

"Please do not ask," Arthur shook his head, face pallor in the light. No one needed to ask what they were for. Not after meeting America. Energetic, young, and the going that don't stop. No need at all.

"Well, there's not much we can do about it. Que sera sera," Matthew shrugging to the idea and settling into his seat beside the flowers behind himself.

"French. Well that covers your gossip, I suppose," Kiku nodded, Matthew about fainting in his chair.


"That's right. There isn't a single relationship that you do not know. Come now, who do you fancy?" Arthur smirked, everyone but the twins eyeing him carefully with anticipation.

"Me? Hardly... I don't worry myself with such things. It's a bother. Too much of a bother," he shook his head, turning to the side to avoid the glare.

"So it's Im Yong Soo(Korea), then?" Feliciano popped up, Kiku nearly falling back in his chair.

This argument went on for a good twenty minutes when finally laughter and stories were shared. Matthew had taken a shine to FranVois(France), Feliciano to Ludwig(Germany), Lovino to Antonio(Spain), and Arthur to Alfred(America), and Kiku to Im Yong Soo(Korea). An interesting day with interesting cast.

Tea with secret friends is a kind rarity that gathers the old friends in those few nations left out of war and in the world of peace. This very acceptable time with those few is cherrished and admired. However... what happens when the semes play?

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