Alex opened the bag wordlessly and shoved some in his mouth. His lips pulled into a thin, tight line. He was back to his 'normal' attitude.

I sat there for a long moment before I looked back at the field where the players were running in as the announcer spoke through the mic.

I tuned everything out as I stared at the pitcher's mound. Alex nudged me and I shook my head as I stood up, ignoring the glance from Alex as the national anthem was belted out from the girl on the field.

The players were announced and I watched as our team took the field.

As I watched the game I noticed a group of girls in front of us kept turning around to look at the guys. Alex glanced at them but made no move to talk to them.

"Hey ladies, who you rooting for?" Justin flirtily asked after the third inning.

The girls giggled obnoxiously and I had to roll my eyes before they flickered to Alex, I could see that he had rolled his eyes as well.

"Whatever team you're rooting for." A girl in tight clothes replied.

Ignoring the idiots, I focused on the batter, well I tried to but then he spoke. "Alex, and no thanks, I'm good."

"Come on. We don't bite." One of the girls giggled, flipping her brown hair.

"Fine." Alex sighed and stood up. All the girls nudged the girl to their left and the all scooted down one as Alex hopped over the chairs to sit beside them. Justin and Harry stared at Alex in a mean glare and I smiled. At least I wasn't the only one who currently disliked the guy.

After two more innings I was becoming increasingly angered at the situation in front of me. Alex was openingly flirting with all the girls, their giggles were piercing my ears.

Justin leaned over, "Wanna find somewhere else to hang?" His eyes held anger and disappointment. I nodded and we stood, just as we were about to make our way up the stairs Alex turned around.

"Where you guys going?" His smile fading slightly as his eyes meet mine.

"We're going to get some food." I told him and then gestured to Justin, "Come on."

"Wait." Harry jumped up, "I'm coming too."

We left Sydney with the group of guys she was still chatting with and the group of sluts, sorry is that a strong word; oh well, that Alex was talking to.

"Food!" Harry cheered when we were standing in line. Literally the boy could eat ten pounds of food and still be hungry, it's actually quite disgusting.

Harry and Justin got a whole meal and I got a drink. We walked around the upper level of the stadium, laughing and genuinely enjoying the rest of the game.

"Excuse me, do I know you?" A guy asked as he came up beside me. I stopped in my tracks and turned to face him.

"Um. I don't think so." I muttered back at him.

"Oh, you sure?" He laughed, "Maybe it's just cause you're like my dream girl." He smirked. Oh. I get it now.

My first instinct was to be repulsed but then I thought what a great opportunity to get his number, since the whole Calvin thing didn't go through.

"Really?" I giggled and groaned internally, I sounded just like the girls Alex was flirting with. "Maybe I could have your number and we could find out." I winked for extra effort.

"That'd be perfect." He chuckled and typed his number and name in my phone. "I'll see you around."

Nodding my head I walked over to Justin and Harry, who were staring at me slightly annoyed as they waited for me.

Guilty I shrugged, "Sorry." I whispered.

"S'okay." Justin laughed and we were walking again.

Ahead of us a group of girls were laughing and I had a great idea. "Come on." I ushered them to follow me as I made my way over to the group. "Hey, guys." I waved a greeting and they all stopped what they were doing to stare at me. "I'm Lucy and these are my friends Harry and Justin, the entire time we were standing in that line these guys have been gushing about how beautiful you all are."

The girls blushed and looked at the guys who had red tinted cheeks of their own. "You see, they really want to talk to you but the guys were too sweet to come over and talk to you themselves so I thought I would break the ice. Believe me they are the funniest most handsomest guys ever!" I cooed and then looked at my watch. "I gotta go call my boyfriend, will you chat with them until I'm done? Great." I walked away without a reply.

I hid behind a post and watched as they started talking, even if it was about how awkward/stupid I was. Ten minutes later the stadium erupted in cheers and I quickly ran to the nearest opening. Our team had gotten a game winning homerun!

Someone nudged me and I looked over, ready to apologize when I saw that it was Harry with Justin behind him. Both had grins on their faces so I could only assume that the outcome was a good one.

"So not cool." Harry laughed, "But I must admit you're a hell of a wingman."

"She's a genius!" Justin gushed and hugged me. "You're coming with me wherever I go."

"I take it you got some numbers?" I laughed.

"Some?" Justin laughed.

"Try all nine." Harry bragged. 

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