

I heard the door click open from my position on the couch. I let Sara and Brad regain control of the bed, even though Brad slept on the cot anyway. It's not like he actually liked Sara. I could tell. Brad walked through the door. Gladly, Sara was nowhere in sight. "Hey Louis. Sara's at some management convention, so let's go and hit up the club's! Maybe it'll help take your mind off... you know." I nodded. His eyes locked on mine and they glinted with a strange light. He smiled a lopsided smile at me, which I returned.

"Alright. I'll go change." I looked down at my old t-shirt and grey sweatpants. "Not exactly a clubbing outfit." I was glad Brad was taking me out for the night. After moping around his flat for four days, I was sick of the indoors. I walked out the door and into my portion of the duplex. I sprinted into my room and tore off clothing. I grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans and a lose-fitting red v-neck. I searched through my closet for shoes, and decided on my old Vans. They felt familiar. I combed through my abnormally dark hair and popped in the brown contacts management gave me when I became Shane Jeffrey. I ran back down the stairs and into Brad's house. He was waiting for me on the couch.

I felt slightly awkward when his eyes ran up and down my body, but I dismissed it as his scrutiny of my outfit. He jumped up and snatched his car keys off the table. I followed him out the door and down the walk. I hopped into the passenger seat of Brad's small, hybrid car and he pressed the button for the ignition. "Okay so we're gonna go to this club I like called Ignite. Best music ever and they have a great variety of liquor." I simply nodded in recognition and we stayed silent for the rest of the drive.

We pulled into the parking lot of Ignite. Brad and I walked and found ourselves in the extensive line of the club. I leaned against the silver, metallic wall and Brad let his hands trail along the maroon velvet rope that attempted to keep the line in check. I could feel his eyes on me the whole time we waited. I ignored it and studied the stars, wondering if Harry could be looking at the same sky, even though it was probably 6 or 7 in the morning in England. We finally made it to the front of the line after about 45 minutes. The bouncer allowed us access and we trailed behind to girls with very tall hair and very very tight dresses. I didn't really pay them much attention because the music drowned out my thoughts. I decided Brad had a good idea.

I stood at the bar and got four shots of tequila for Brad and I to share. We downed them quickly and began swaying to the music. The colored lights flashed and the music vibrated the floor under my feet. There seemed to be no appealing girls in our vicinity, so Brad and I settled on dancing with each other. It was kind if weird, but it was all in good fun, right? We continued jumping and swinging our hips in slightly feminine motions to the pounding beat.

Brad stopped dancing and walked toward the bar. I trailed behind him. He ordered six more shots, this time vodka. He pushed three my way and swallowed his three quickly. I gave him a questioning look, but I drank mine anyway, and we made our way back to the dance floor. My mind was kind of jumbled, but I was still relatively coherent. My eyes widened when I felt hands on my waist, accompanying my sways. I turned and saw none other than Brad. I raised my eyebrows and tried to free myself, but he held me tighter and pulled me up against him. I ended up dancing with him, his hands never leaving their firm position on my waist. That is, until they turned me around so that I was facing Brad. By that time, the liquor had taken its full effect and I didn't bother struggling. I just went with it and slightly enjoyed the fact that someone had their hands on me for the first time in months.

Brad's hands slowly made their way from my waist down to my hips and then continued to finally end on my bum, highlighted in my skin-tight jeans. We continued dancing, our chests touching, my hands interlocked on the back of his neck. His nose nudged at my cheek and I felt his lips, feather-light, brush at my jawline. They planted themselves on my neck, somehow finding the perfect place on the first try. I tilted my head back and tugged lightly on Brad's caramel colored locks. He then removed himself from my neck and kissed up to my mouth. He planted kisses on the edges of my lips and then kissed me, desperately, hungrily. I kissed back, my mind clouded. He tasted of alcohol, unsurprisingly.

Suddenly, my mind cleared, as if a veil lifted. I opened my eyes and scrambled away from Brad. He gave me an alcohol-induced smirk and staggered his way toward me. "H-Hey Loueyyy," Brad slurred.

I shook my head quickly, scared by both his behavior and the fact he called me by my real name, instead of Shane. He always called me Shane in public. "Brad. N-no." I struggled to control my voice. "Come on. I'll c-call a cab. We'll get your car tomorrow."

"Fine, Loueyyy. We can keep going at yourrr   placeee ," he purred. I shook my head and dragged him out the door. I signalled for a cab and shoved him inside. I gave the driver my address. When we reached the duplex, I led Brad to his doorway so that he wouldn't follow me inside my house. I opened his door and pushed him inside. I slammed the door after him and sprinted to my own residence. I closed and locked both locks on my door, and I made sure all my windows were shut and latched, just in case. I hurriedly stripped myself of my clothing, save for my boxers, and slid under blankets on my bed. I stared at the ceiling and thought one thing and one thing only:

What just happened?


Didn't see that coming, didja? ^_^

Sorry if things progressed rather quickly.

So I would very much enjoy feedback. Tell me what you think, what you'd like to see, and/or what you think is going to happen. Who knows? Maybe I'll change my mind and what you think happens will happen... *insert dramatic music here*

Thanks for reading and I can't wait to hear what you think!

Carlz xx  

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