Just Like Kids

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It was an early February morning

My mother came in and said "it's going to begin storming"

We are packed and ready to leave

And into the car the bags were heaved

We were all packed and ready for the trip

A few moments later into a nap I slipped

After I awoke we were a few states east

Then my stomach growled and I was ready to feast

We arrived at Fort Jackson I noticed the green beret's

I saw my brother and wanted to run up and hug him, but I kept my cool and instead just said hey

We were men and didn't want to show our affection

Like the way he fights just for our elections

Here in a while you will be in Afghanistan

When the going gets rough just remember your giving us free land

Don't worry I'll be in America on my knees praying

We don't have many rules; you're the one always obeying

I don't care what people gossip or start saying

Because you're the one that allows their kids to keep playing

If you ever go in combat make sure they bite the dust

Because if something ever happened to you, my heart would sure to bust

Sometimes at night I begin crying

Then I remember I have to stay strong, so i suck it up and keep on shining

That bright and shiny day when I see a shadow from the sun

I will drop what I am doing, and to you I will run

This time you will stay because your mission is done

Just like when we were kids, we will do nothing but have fun

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