Thanks for the Breakup

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You stepped in

As you smiled that smile

It only took a grin

And my heart was as big as a mile.

When i closed my eyes

I saw nothing but you

You fed me lies

Even though I had no clue.

You were always so mean

I should had been warned because of your past

I didn't realize though cause you were my queen

But I should had seen how you put me last

Your true colors finally started to show through

I didn't notice at first.

I always told myself that the rumors just weren't true

Until things took a turn for the worst.

I always blamed myself for how we were

I was just blind though and couldn't see.

That it wasn't my fault at all, it was her

And she was just on a heart breaking spree.

I see now that I am too good for you

The sad thing is you are going to hurt other people

And they are going to get depressed and blue

You always put yourself on some type of steeple

You don't see the pain that you actually cause

You wouldn't care though because it's all about you

My life's going to well to just put on pause

I am so glad now, that you and I are through

I want to thank you for the breakup

Because I have found myself in this ruble

Even with all of this hurt I have been able to wakeup

But no matter where you go, you will bring nothing but trouble.

A Book of PoemsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora