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There once was a crown

With thorns all around

It was set on the most beautiful head

For us this man bled

Then soldiers led the king to his demise

He took this burden so we could be justified

Three days later he arose

When everyone thought he was about to decompose

When you think that God can't love you

Flip your bible over to the chapter of Matthew

The man in white is with you until the end of age

Some of you have been locked up to long in this cage

Don't say that you can't because of your place

See I once too was lost in the midst of space

The father took my hand and pulled me up

He wiped me clean like a new born pup

One last story then I am gone

Turn to chapter eight of John

The woman caught in adultery

To the teacher she cried please don't assault me

The student's yelled can't we stone her

Jesus replied if you have no sin than sure

Everyone suddenly dropped there stones

Lord suddenly bent down and said this is your atone

Go and sin no more

The one above gave us his all

So when we ask our sins become small

He directs each person a different road

Don't worry he will help you with the load

Doesn't mean it's always going to be easy

But with each other we can help deeply

If you ever need him he is always here

To help make your path a little more clear

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