Thank You+One Shot

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*Skip to One Shot/sneak peek if you don't want to read my long A/N

Hello again! I'm writing this because it has been an entire year since I started writing this book. To me, this is surreal. Having 6 almost 7K, more than 300 votes and so many nice comments from so many wonderful people is something I never thought would happen. I don't want this to turn into a big A/N of thank you's and mushy speeches but I do want to say that a year ago, I was unsure if I wanted to publish anything at all but a few friends of mine really encouraged me to do it and this has been a wonderful experience. You should never be afraid to try something new. I have no idea if anyone will read this has it has been so long since I published last but I have written a one shot of our two Victors (after the Games but before the beginning of the sequel). Again, thank you to everyone who has read this and encouraged me along the journey of writing this. Enjoy.


Silver Hale's POV:

The overwhelming joy of the first day back home in District 10 was enough to make me temporarily forget about the past few weeks. Temporarily.

I still woke up with nightmares fresh in my mind and I'd still jump at every sudden noise or shout. It was unavoidable. I would be like this for the rest of my life. I just had to try and live again.

The best days are spent with Mom and Kiwi, laughing and playing and spending time as a family like we never did before. Kiwi was always sick and Mom never really talked to me much, to anyone for that matter, for the majority of the past few years.

I smiled as I woke up one morning, blonde hair brushing against my cheek and Kiwi's sleeping figure outlined in the sun's morning light. We had decided to sleep outside, under the stars, in our backyard. It was safe as we were boxed into the Victor's Village and there were only a few other people living there who could even have the chance of seeing us. Mom had laid out blankets and pillows and we had simply gone to sleep in a place we never could have before.

I shifted in the grass, my nightgown slightly damp from the morning dew and lifted my sister in my arms. She was thin and frail from her years of illness and the cheerful six year old was still very small for her age. She slept soundly while I carried her into the large house and laid on her on the couch, moving on to find something to eat.

I walked through the threshold of the kitchen door, expecting to see Mom, but instead I was met by someone I had never anticipated seeing ever again. Their wild brown hair and sharp expression were things I could never forget about my fellow Victor.

She sat at the kitchen table and was only alerted of my presence when I gasped at her sudden appearance.

"How did you get in here?" I asked stupidly, knowing full well she probably picked the lock or broke a window or something. She glanced up, but only briefly.

"I...," She begins slowly, dragging out the word, "am here to make a deal."

I step quietly from foot to foot, wondering why one earth Merida Gaskarth would ever need my help.

She seems unsure and fiddles with her hands as I pull out a chair and join her at the table. I've never seen her so on edge before and I immediately know something is off.

" What kind of deal?" I finally whisper, watching her flatly. She glances up, but only briefly, before looking back down at her hands. Merida would only come to see me if it was something important.

"A stupid one," She sighs and her tone makes me worried," The Capitol has my brothers. I don't know why they have them but they're holding them as prisoners and I came for two reasons."

She says this all so quickly and I barely have time to take it all in before she rushes on.

"Kia could be in danger."

It takes me a moment to register this as I barely ever hear anyone use Kiwi's real name and the fact that her words are so jumbled together makes it hard to understand anything.

"And I need you're help. I know I'm probably the last person you want to get involved with and you definitely don't want to put yourself in harm's way for me but I'm asking this as a person who desperately needs you. Please...." She whispers," My brothers are in danger and you and I, we're basically untouchable now that we're Victors."

I shift uncomfortably in my softly cushioned chair, looking anywhere but at the tearful girl in front of me. The relentlessly determined and arrogant girl that has been reduced to this. Someone here to ask a favour of me.

"I have a cousin who lives in the Capitol and is a part of the rebels and all they need is for us to come and convince the rest of the gamemakers of what the President is doing. They already have a plan, Silver. We can do this I promise."

She takes my hand from my lap and squeezes it, looking at me for the first time with hope in her eyes. I look to Kiwi, asleep on the couch in the other room and my expression falters. What if I was in Merida's place? I very easily could be if I don't do something.

"Fine. I'll do whatever you need, but don't think we're friends or something. I'm doing this for my sister."

She nods her head vigorously, the wooden chair shaking beneath her weight. Kiwis stirs, the noise disturbing the calm.

"What do you need me to do?" I ask, realizing I haven't even been told what my end of the bargain involves.

"First, we need to find ourselves a train to the Capitol. All you need to do is go to the Justice Building and ask for a line to the President's building. Whoever picks up will be probably be some kind of assistant secretary and when they connect you through ask for Acel Rennet..." She says the name slowly, as if she's unsure if she should really be telling me all of this. I nod quickly, wanting to get this over with before Mom comes downstairs or Kiwi wakes up.

"Okay, got it." I say, standing up quickly when I hear footsteps coming down the wooden steps in the hallway. I help Merida up and she stumbles slightly, confused by my urgency. I pull her down the hallway but not quickly enough. Mom is coming slowly down the stairs, her hair tied up and her feet bare. She glances up at me quickly but jerks awake when she sees Merida. Mom comes down the remaining stairs and pulls Merida into a hug. I giggle when Merida flinches, her face showing just how unimpressed she is with the sudden motherly embrace.

"Merida! I didn't know you were coming by today. It's so nice to see you. Can I get you anything?" Mom gushes, leading Merida back the way we came.

"Actually she was just leaving. We just had to talk about some interviews and things. You know, Victors' stuff." I say cheerily, hating how arrogant I sound. Her faces falls slightly but she immediately perks up again when I mention Kiwi in the other room and hurries off to go find her. I turn back to Merida and give her small smile, gesturing back toward the front door.

"Justice Building, line to the President, Acel Rennet." She whispers, listing off the important things I need to remember. She turns the door handle and steps out into the cold. I hear Kiwi call for me from the other room and Merida glances up.

"And Silver? Please be careful."

I nod, shutting the door behind her. I hesitate to walk down the hallway, to face the smiling little girl, the caring mother and the brightly coloured, posh new home. I wait near the door, hearing laughter from the other room. My new life seems to have begun and yet my past still remains with me, wether I want it to or not.

Why can't I just leave the Games behind?

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