Games-Day 1 continued

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Angel Mason's POV:

As we run away from the cornucopia the cannons go off.


Only four. The Capitol won't be happy about that. We trudge slowly up the cold mountain toward one of the small cabins. The snowy rocks are hard to climb and soon Clairy and Silver are tired. We can't afford to stop though. Everyone at the bottom of the cliff can look up and easily see us against the perfect white snow. We're in plain view. We managed to get two packs and a small bag that Silver picked up off the ground. As we approach the wooden cabin another single cannon goes off. Maybe someone trying to run from the Careers? Clairy whimpers and grabs Silver's hand. Avery walks up to the door first. She takes off her gloves and peers in the windows to make sure no one is there before us and opens the little red door. The inside is painted in different hues of reds and greens and looks quite Christmassy. It's a medium sized cabin with a small bathroom and large, cozy living room. It's bigger than my house in 2 at least. We sit in a circle on the plush carpet and open our packs. In total we ended up getting 10 throwing knives, two daggers, three sleeping bags and four apples. There aren't enough apples for all of us so I share mine with Clairy. As soon as Avery settles down with us, she begins to sweat. She has glassy eyes and she shakes and shivers. Clairy starts to scream and Silver quickly covers her mouth so she doesn't alert other tributes. Avery lays curled up on the floor before going still.


None of us even had time to react. I cautiously close Avery's eyes when I find something I didn't notice before. The carpet is slightly dusted in an unusual shade if blue. The apple on the floor also has the the same marks from the carpet.

This cabin is poisoned.

I put a glove over my mouth to prevent myself from inhaling anymore. I do the same with Silver and Clairy has they have already started to cough. I gather our packs and rush the two girls out through the back.

It was Avery that opened the door. She took her gloves off to do it too. I walk around out front and find that the handle on the door is also covered in a faint blue. Silver and Clairy are quite shaken and I continue to pull them up the mountain, away from the horror.

Merida Gaskarth's POV:

It's early in the evening and I'm cold and hungry. The tree I'm in is fairly well sheltered but the pine needles are uncomfortable. I laid branches across the bottom to make a sort of "floor" so that I don't have to sit on one branch all night. The large evergreen pine needles fold down around me to make a good shelter. I have collected some rocks for self defence if someone attacks but other than that I'm unarmed. I wonder if Dallon and my other brothers are watching right now.

When the sun is finally starting to set a large silver container falls from the sky. A sponsor. I crawl down from my little perch and grab it off the ground. Inside is an assortment of supplies. There is a dagger, three throwing knives, two apples and a thin bag that has been folded up inside. It's a drawstring bag and it easily fits all the weapons and food inside. I crawl back up to my shelter and fall asleep.

Kamilla Topaz's POV:

Titus passes around the sleeping bags and we all crawl into the warm fabric. Cressida takes first watch. Before any of us have fallen asleep, the anthem comes on. We peer out of the cornucopia to watch the faces of the fallen tributes.

The first to show up is Thalia Lopez. I'm kind of surprised about that seeing as she scored a decent 7. Next is Zeke. I don't even know why he was allowed to join the Career alliance. He got a 5 in training and I think we would have finished him off anyways. The third person is Pheonix Vector. She was given a chance to be in our alliance but she declined. Instead she aligned with a traitor. The next face is Seydi Donner who Ace got while her alliance was trying to run. The most recent today was Avery Bliss and her face shows up with "District 3"written underneath. The final face in the sky is little Rachel. As her face is projected across the stars, her brother's face shows no remorse. He simply turns away and slides deeper into his sleeping bag. I settle into mine and slowly start to close my eyes. Cressida climbs on top of the Cornucopia to take watch. So far, I've survived day one.

Later in the night, when I'm about to take Cressida's place, a tribute runs through the trees near the cliffs. Before I've climbed all the way to the top of the cornucopia an arrow impales Cressida.


I jump down from the roof and wake up Ace. He grabs a trident and runs into the dark forest. I stand near the back of the cornucopia and wait for him to come back.


That'll be Ace finding Cressida's attacker. I wonder who had the nerve to approach the Careers at the dead of night.

Deceased tributes-Day 1:
Seydi Donner (Careers)
Zeke Green (Unknown attacker)
Avery Bliss (Poisoned)
Thalia Lopez (Unknown attacker)
Pheonix Vector (Lynette)
Rachel Sheperd (Ace)
Lilliana Retro (Ace- She attacked Cressida)
Cressida Cowel(Lilliana)
Maya's alliance-Needs food.
Merida-Sleeping bag
Lynette-A pack

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