District 10 Reaping

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Maya Sinder's POV: (yup, she's back)

The strong gloves dig into my forarms and it's taking all my effort not to cry out and attempt to attack them. But I know it's useless. They outnumber me six to one and I'm already so weak they could easily knock me out again. I can feel the cut on my lip beginning to swell and I hope they left Mom and Ash alone. It wasn't they're fault. The Peacekeepers had found me out past curfew a week ago and only yesterday did they find out it was because I had stolen supplies from the Justice Building. Now they're taking me through these horrible passagways to get to Disrict 10. The Capitol officials have a faster way to get to the districts than taking the train, but also a much less scenic route. I've only ever seen the odd door along these stone walls and they've been a thick cement that's sealed from the inside. The Peacekeepers just keep dragging me down the narrow hallways, not even stopping for a break. I'm exausted by the time they pull me up through a small hole in the ceiling. We come out at the very edge of the Capitol. We take a hovercraft the rest of the way to 10 and stop about a mile from the District. We walk around the edges of the feilds before stopping behind the Justice Building. I'm shoved inside a small, square room and left there until the mayor comes inside to tell what I'm supposed to do and the consequences if I don't cooperate.

" The escort has been told to pick a name and read yours instead. When your name is called you are going to walk out from the crowd just like normal and act like you live in District 10 and that you just got reaped. Nothing about your crimes in 12." The mayor tries to explain to me. I'm not even listening anymore. As soon as they let me out there I'm going scream about everything they did to me. I'm going to tell everyone that I'm a fraud and that i'm being forced into this.
"-and, if you don't do what is asked of you. Your sentence will be taken out upon your family, and I doubt you want that." He concludes. My family? Mom and Ash? I would die for them...but then I would be doing exactly what the Capitol wants.


I'm told to wait behind the tall curtain as the escort begins her speech. I wish I could watch them. Apparently my name is going to be last and someone is going to come get me when it's my turn. The voices outside are muffled and I can barely hear the first name called.

"Silver Hale!" I can hear someone walking up the stairs to the platform and saying that they're 14.

Two more to go.

"Rachel Sheperd!" The light footsteps of this girl are barely audible and the escort has to repeat to the audience that she's 12.

One more to go.

"Jude Sheperd!" The girl that came up before screams and yells that she hates him and that she never wants to be near him again. I wonder what that's about. I don't have time to think about it before a Peacekeeper comes and drags me along the perimeter of the crowd, out of sight. I'm taken to the back of the audience and held to the spot.

"Let me go!" I half scream half whisper.

"Maya Sinders!"

This is it.

It's me or my family.

Me or the Capitol.

Sweet bliss or an unescapable doom.

District 10 tributes:
Silver Hale (14)
Jude Shepherd (18)
Rachel Sheperd (12)
Maya Sinders (15)
A/N: Finally done the reapings! So excited to start the next part of this story. Thanks so much for all the support.

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