Games-Day 3 continued

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Merida Gaskarth's POV:

I stash the small silver container in my pack and slip on my new gloves. My old ones burn along with my sleeping bag. I rip the small tag off of the lid and hold it in my hands. It was a note from my brothers. The crumpled piece of paper has Dallon's messy scrawl slanted across the note and Frederick, Gabriel and Landon's signatures along the bottom.

" I'm sorry that this ever happened to you. You don't deserve to be lied to, and yet you have been for your whole life. I wasn't training you so you could be prepared for the Games, I was training you because our parents were criminals and-"

I rip up the small parchment without reading any further. I don't want to know what secrets Dallon has kept from me and I want to win the Games and go home to things just like they were before. I toss the ripped fragments in a bush and continue walking towards the cornucopia.The Capitol is bound to have feast soon to make the final 8. I'm going to be there. No one just walks in on me like Lynette. No one should oppose me when they know they can't win. On my way through the trees I find a tribute lying on the ground. They're curled up in a ball silently. There is a dagger laying beside them dipped in something. I walk over to the tribute and find Lei laying with her eyes closed. She shudders slightly and goes still again.


The cannon startles me and I look above the trees for a tribute who could have done this. Lei only had three other allies. Kayla and Kai wouldn't do this and Alyssa and her got along fine. Must've been a Career, we are awfully close to their camp. I leave Lei to be picked up by a hovercraft and continue on to the cornucopia.

Mrs. Sinder's POV: (Maya's mom)

I hold the crying baby and rock him back and forth.

"It's okay Ash. Everything is going to be okay." I whisper softly.

I try to believe my own alibi. It isn't going be okay though. I just found out my daughter was a thief and that she was taken into the Games by force. When I saw her terrified face on the screen during the District 10 reaping I completely broke down. It shouldn't be her that's punished. It should be me. She was doing it to help me. This isn't her fault.

I take another cherry coloured rose from the vase on the table and let Ash hold it. I carry him outside and walk to the fresh grass covered in an array of flowers. The small stone stands strongly against the bright flowers and looks dark and secluded.

"Throw it Ash." I whisper to the tiny baby. He smiles and drops the elegant rose on the ground with the others. Another sympathetic gesture along with all the mourning others. This isn't how Maya would've wanted it. I'm sorry...

No POV in particular...:

Alyssa stalks through the trees along the edge of the cornucopia. She holds a throwing knife in her hand and aims at the Careers. Three of them are there sitting comfortably inside the mouth of the cornucopia undisturbed. Ace and Kamilla are talking quietly about strategy and Titus is sharpening a dagger.

Of course Jude isn't there. He was off hunting for tributes without the others. Alyssa and Lei were attacked by him and now Alyssa is going to finally get her revenge on Titus. She walks further towards the front of the cornucopia and watches for other tributes along the mountain. Only two alliances are still up there.


A few minutes after the cannon Jude comes running back into the clearing. He's got a devilish grin when he sits down beside Titus and sets down his red dagger. There's a scream from a little ways up the mountain and Alyssa takes this opportunity to focus on her distracted target. Titus sits laughing with Jude and she thinks of all the terrible things him and his family has caused her. She releases the throwing knife in her hand. Titus freezes in alarm but the knife doesn't even come near him. It hits Jude instead.


Deceased tributes:
Lei Fletcher (Jude)
Angel Mason ( Jude)

Hazel and Silver-A pack
Kai and Kayla-Food

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