The Unfortunate Kid

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As i lay my head down for a good nights rest.

I cant feel my body, my hearts about to burst out of my chest.

There's screaming, shouting and I dont even know what for.

My dad storms in as he kicks in my door.

He picks me up and slaps me again, and again!

Blood starts dripping everywhere, but what was my sin?

His breathe reeks of nothing but budweiser

For these few minutes i am a peasant and he is the mighty Kaiser.

I cant fight back for i am to weak

Even if i tried, he would show me I am the trough as he is the peak

With every beat, i begin to weep

Until my body gives out and i fall asleep

I wake in the morning to blood on the floor

I see a light shining through the crack of my un-closed door

I go off to school with bruises and cuts

People point and laugh, even the ones who look like Jabba the Hutt.

People point, push, and talk about me.

I always wear long sleeves so that's one less cut that they see

This hell is now my everyday life.

I can't take no more so i pull out a knife

The jock who points in my face

I stab him with mighty haste

I get as many students as i can

Even the only girl i know, whose name is Pam

At the end there are thirty dead

If only my dad would had let me go to sleep in my twin-sized bed.

I take the bloody knife and stab myself

If only there had been one person to help

The story hits front page paper, and the 8 o' clock news

Even pastors take the fight to the church pews

No one knows why i acted that way

Not even the doctors who study this stuff everyday.

My dad knows exactly what he did

But oh well its too late now, for I am now the unfortunate kid.

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