I said nothing. The super buff cops grabbed me and pushed me out the door." WAIT!" I yelled. They kept pushing.

" PLEASE! if your going to take me away can I at least say goodbye?" I asked.

They slowed down and stopped. One guy looked at me. He sighed and let go. " you have 5 minutes,"

I nodded and bolted into the house.

The guys looked up and me, with sad eyes. Tears fell down my cheeks. " I'm so sorry guys. This is all my fault. If I didn't love you boys so much I would have left and none of this would have happened." I said looking down,

They all came up and engulfed me in a group hug. Their hard chest pressed against me was oddly comforting.

" it's not your fault Aundreya. At all. It's all Cecilia's fault. And we

Love you too," Stephan said.

I pulled out of the hug and hugged them all individually. Jake, derrek, Stephan, then a big giant hug for jayson, plus a kiss on the cheek." I love you jay," I said to him.

" I love you too, cupcake. And don't worry. We will find a way yo get you back." he whispered. I nodded.

I went up to Luke and stood infront of him for a second before jumping on him and wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. " Luke, I'm

Going to miss you so much. I just got you back an now I'm leaving you. I love you," I said, I meant it as a friend love.

I heard his heart speed up and I smiled slightly. I will miss that sound. I pulled away.

I walked up to Damien and kissed him hard on the mouth.

He wrapped his arms around my waist tightly. I pulled away from him and cried silently. " Damien, I love you," I whispered.

He pulled me tight to his chest, " I love you too, baby girl. God. Letting you go is the hardest thing I will ever do, I promise I will do everything in my ability, to get you back," he whispered Into my hair.

My heart suddenly felt like it has been ripped out of my chest. I love my boys. And I have to leave them. Luke, jayson, and Damien are the hardest to say goodbye to.

" Times up!" A deep voice echoed through the room. I looked up and saw the two giant officers standing in the doorway with their very big arms crossed.

I nodded at them and pulled away from Damien.

I took a last look at my boys before, reluctantly turning my back and walking out the door.

The only thing I had left of them, Was Damien's shirt. At least it was Damien's, because I'm in love with him and not the other boys. And he was by far the hardest to say goodbye to.

The huge police officers followed me out to their car. " get in little girl," the blonde one said.

The black haired one climbed into the passengers seat after I sat down in the back of the police car.

I wiped my tears away as I leaned my head on the window. This is the worst day of my life.


We came to a stop in front of my house. I stared at it I awe. I couldn't help it. I haven't seen this house for months.

" why did you take me here?" I asked.

" this is your house isn't it? " blondie asked.

I nodded. " yes. But why did you take me here?"

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