Start from the beginning

"What blather," Stina grumbled, running her hand absentmindedly through her curly, frizzy hair. "Why not invite the whole population of the Lost Cities while you're at it, since we're distantly related?"

"Speak to Gandalf about this, and let him choose his own decision," Sophie stated blandly, and killed the call.


Stina's voice cut off in the middle of her sentence, and all faded to silence. Suddenly, Sophie began to laugh. Her laughter pealed through the air, and Evelina winced at it. She rarely heard her mother laugh.

"Hadn't spoken to Stina for such a long time," her mother said between chuckles. "Forgotten how satisfying it is."

Keefe high-fived her. "That's why you need me, Foster."

Dex added, "And me."

Biana quickly cut in, "Not forgetting me!"

"Us, too!"

Evelina whirled around to see four elves walk toward them. They were Myst, Myst's father, Myst's father's sister, and . . .

Evelina's jaw tightened as Fitz neared.

"Where's Ailill and Brennus?" she asked.

Sophie frowned and clicked her tongue at her daughter, but she was avoiding Fitz's eyes as she reprimanded, "Evelina, is that how you greet your elders?"

Evelina's cheeks flushed. "Ah. Oh. Sorry. Of course not." She lifted the two ends of her skirt, and dipped a little graceful curtsy. "Hello, Lord Song and Lady Dizznee."

"Call me Linh," Hywel's mother corrected her, flashing a beautiful smile. She had jet black hair with the ends dipped in silver, and the palest of blue for the colour of her almond shaped eyes. Her brother, Tam, had the same eyes and hair, but he had a fierce expression that distinguished him from his twin, who had a gentle one. Evelina started to feel a little uncomfortable—she had only met Tam and Linh once, and that was when she was nine.

"You've grown so big," Linh commented, her eyes doing an once-over on Evelina. Beside Linh, Evelina could feel Tam doing the exact same thing too.

"Evelina . . ." Tam started. Evelina whipped her head up, but she couldn't exactly meet his eyes.

"Yes?" Evelina asked, then cleared her throat, and asked her question in a more polite tone, "Yes?"

"You forgot to greet Fitz."

Oh! So Tam caught that. And from the way he emphasized the word 'forgot', both Evelina and he knew that it wasn't anything close to forgetting.

Evelina forced a smile, and tried to make it look as sheepish as possible. "Oh! My mistake. Sorry." She bowed quickly to Fitz. "Greetings . . . Lord Vacker."

Fitz nodded curtly at her greeting. Inside, Evelina felt miserable. She could feel everyone's stares on her, and she wasn't quite liking being in the centre of attention, in the limelight. Oh why, why did Tam have to embarrass her?

Grady cleared his throat, the same time when Edaline clapped her hands together. They stared at each other incredulously.

"Well . . ." Edaline started, but trailed off when the doorbell rang. "Well . . . I'll go get it." She brisk-walked to the door, and pulled it open. Evelina purposely avoided everyone's stares on her and turned her head to look at the door instead. To her relief, Ailill, Gandalf, and Brennus walked inside, looking a little shy and unsure.

"Great!" Grady clapped his hands together like Edaline had done, probably an awkward attempt to brighten things up and clear the tension. "All of us are here. I understand you kids must be feeling quite confused over this, because it's the first time ever that we've done this. But as Edaline and I explain to you, won't you care to come to the kitchen and have some custard bursts and mallowmelt?"

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