Chapter 18

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Tons of memories later, I ran into the yellow triangle I've seen in so many memories. "Oh, so you must be the demon," I said.

"What are you doing in here?" The demon asked. "Don't you know it's not polite to look through people's memories."

"Then what do you do?" I asked. The demon growled. "Okay, I tried to be nice to you, but your kinda annoying, Shooting Star."

Shooting Star...? "Hey, this is my brother's head your messing with." I crossed my arms. "And if your messing with him, your measing with me."

"You haven't even known each other for half a year," the demon tried to reason. "How do you know he'd do the same for you? Is this all really worth it."

"Actually, yes," I said. "There's a special bond between me and Dipper and I felt it the first day I met him! If you were inside my head, he wouldn't hesitate to save me."

"Oh? How about you ask him yourself?" He snapped his fingers and Dipper popped out of thin air. He bliked a couple times. "A-am I in my memories?" He looked at me. "M-Mabel. Wah-What are you doing here?"

"I'm trying to help you, Dipper," I said.

"B-but...these are my personal memories. Yo-you didn't look at any of them ...ri-right?"

I shook my head, not wanting to upset him. I knew he wanted to keep his past secret, and I could understand why, but he needed to learn to share it with someone. I really wanted that someone to be me. "Don't you want me to help you?"

Dipper gulped and glanced at Bill, who glared at him with his single eye. He turned back to me and nodded slightly. Bill grabbed him by the back of the shirt and held him in the air. "You weren't even suppose to tell anyone about me!" Bill yelled. "Now your trying to wesel your way out of this through your puny sister?"

I really just wanted to punch Bill in the face then and there. I could just imagine it. Suddenly, I didn't imagine it. It actually happened. A giant fist came out and punched Bill right in the eye. He dropped Dipper in surprise and backup from the force of the punch.

I ran to Dipper's side. "Are you okay?"

"What the hell just happened?" Dipper asked.

I shrugged. "Don't asked me, it's your mind! I just thought it and it happened!"

Bill growled and stood back up. "You'll pay for that, Shooting Star!"

"Wait," Dipper said, holding a hand up. "So your saying, that if I just imagine something, it'll happen?"

I shrugged. "It's worth a shot."

Bill came flying at us. Dipper closed his eyes in concentration and there was an explosion in the demon's face. Dipper smiled. "Cool." We got up and ran.

"Maybe we could hide behind in one of your memories."

Dipper bit his lip. "Um...I'm not sure."

"Come on, Dipper! You'd you rather show me one of your memories or be killed by a demon?"

Dipper gritted his teeth and skidded to a stop. He chose a random door and dragged me inside with him. It was a memory of him being beat up by a bunch of guys. They didn't even look our way. Dipper was in the fetal position and sobbing as the of the bigger boys kicked him. "Shows why you shouldn't mess with us, pipsqueak!"

I glanced at my bother. He ignored the scene. He looked out the peephole, probably looking out for Bill. I looked back at the younger version of him. He cried for help, but no one did. "I understand why you never talk about your past," I told Dipper. "Must have been a hard one."

Dipper didn't respond.

"But you really shouldn't keep all this pain to yourself. I'm your sister for pete's sake."

"I've got an idea for defeating Bill," Dipper said, ignoring me. I grabbed Dipper's shoulder and turned him to face me. "Are you even listening to me? Your such a dummy!"

Dipper looked down. "I don't want to talk about my past. We just have to get out of here alive, okay?"

I sighed. "Okay. But after we get out of this, your telling me everything about New York, alright? I can't just let you keep all this pain to yourself."

Dipper nodded. "Okay."

"Now, what's this plan of yours?"


"Hey Bill!" I yelled, getting his attention.

His eye turned blood red and he started charging towards me.

"Now, Mabel!"

Both of us thought the same thing and a portal started to form under Bill. "W-what is this?" Bill asked.

"We're creating a portal to get you out of my brother's mind!" Mabel yelled triumphantly.

"You can't survive the world out there, Bill," I said. "And I'm gonna keep you out of my mind for good!"

"No!" Bill yelled, clawing at the floor. "No! You can't do this!" The portal started to drag him away. "I'll be back! You just wait, Pine Tree! Shooting Star! I'll be back, and you'll wish you'd never been born!" With that, the portal swollowed him compleatly. I let out a sigh of relief as Mabel practically tackled me in a hug.

"We did it!" Mabel yelled in joy.

I smiled slightly. "Thanks, Mabel. I couldn't have done it without you."

Everything slowly started to fade and we woke up on the floor of our room. "How are you feeling?" Mabel asked.

"Better than I have in weeks," I admited. No more voice in my head or headaches.

"Now...are you gonna tell me about your past?" Mabel asked.

I nodded. "I made a promise, didn't I?"

Mabel's smile widned. "Okay! I'm ready when you are."

I took a deep breath and told her everything.

Yay! An update (finally)
I would have updated sooner, but I didn't have internet and my nook doesn't have data so...yeah.
Should I go into detal about Dipper's past or should I move the story along? You already know a ton about Dipper's time in New York already and I wouldn't want to bore you with stuff you already know.
Let me know and this update next update might move faster.
And I'm still looking for requests for this story! Anything you want to see, I'd love to hear your ideas and they might make it into this story!

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