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The rain was coming down hard. Stanford and Stanley Pines stood outside, staring at the mass of chared wood which used to be Stanley's Son and daughter-in-law's house. Police and firemen were everywhere. The night was cold and the agony of the two men was awful.

A younger officer walked over to them. "Are you relatives?"

Stanley straightened up. "I was the father of the man living here and his wife."

"So are these you're grandchildren?" He glanced down at the two sobbing bundles in his arms.

Stanley swollowed the lump in his throat and nodded. He took them from the officer. Then Stanley turned to Stanford. "Orphaned at three." He hugged the twins to his chest, tears finally making his way down his cheek. "What are going to do, Stanford?"

His brother shook his head. "I don't know."

"There's no one else here to take them."

Stanford shrugged. "We could try to take care of them."

Stanley gave him a skeptical look. "You know we can't."

"Why not?" Stanford asked.

Stanley sighed. "You know very well that we have our...issues."

Stanford sighed. He took the girl, Mabel, into his arms. "You know that I've wanted to take care of a kid, you know, when we were younger."

Stanley craddled the boy, Dipper, in his arms. "You don't know the half of it. Changing dipers, spending money, driving them to school and games, dating-"

"Okay, okay, I get it. You do know more about parenting then me," Stanford said with a sigh. "But I've never had a chance to have a kid of my own."

Stanley sighed. "You know we can't seperate them. They'll just leave, or beg up to take us to see the other one. I live in New York! That's all the way on the other side of the county!"

Stanford sighed. "I guess you're right....U-Unless we don't tell them."

"Stan, they're three. They already know they're siblings."

"But, maybe not. I mean, I don't remember when I was three."

"Well, that was a long time ago," Stanley said.

"But that would mean one of us gets two of them, and the other gets neither."

Stanley sighed. "Fine. But they're going to have to meet sometime."

"When they're older," Stanford said.

Stanley nodded. "When they're older."

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