Chapter 5: Good start = Bad ending

Start from the beginning

As Helen and I sat down at the table, Slendy served us some pasta and it was delicious! (Sorry if you hate pasta but I am choosing the food in this story). As everyone was taking their time eating, I finished really quick. I just....stared at my plate. Why I don't know, but I zoned out.

"Y/n....Are you alright?" Slender asks, snapping me back to this reality.

"Huh?.....Oh I am great. I um....Can I be excused?" I mutter as my eager to visit a loved one is already on edge.

"Yes child. And if you want to leave for a while, come back by 9:00. It is 8:15 right now. I'll be waiting."

I give Slendy a nod as I wash my plate and head to my room. I go to my closet and open it. The weather forecast said it was gonna be hot and sunny so I pulled out a black mini skirt, a sports shirt and black and white converse. I go to the bathroom and strip my clothes off. Turning on the hot, steamy water, I jump in and begin humming songs.

Time skip - 15 minutes

As I was brushing my hair, rose petals fell out of no where. I look up to see an upside down bucket hanging on the ceiling (probably where the petals were) and a rope tied to it and the other end leading to....Sally?

"Surprise!" She exclaimed jumping up and down.

"Aww. They're beautiful! Why though?" I tilt my head like a confused puppy.

"Because! I was being nice to everyone for some reason and I guess rose petals fit your perspective." She perked.

I giggle as I ruffle her hair and face my mirror. I got black eye liner, lipstick and mascara and place them on as his death keeps swirling in my mind. I turn around and give Sally one last smile before heading out. In the living room, Ben, Ej, and Jeff were playing video games on the TV, LJ was on the couch watching them, Masky and Hoodie were eating cheesecake, Toby was bugging Masky, Helen was painting in a corner, and Slender was reading a book. I walk to the door with a smile on my face but before I even open the door, I quickly turn around and clasp my hands together and....woah! In the middle of my hands, there was the blade of a bloody knife only two centimeters away from my heart. I kept a blank expression as I look at the handle. Three carved letters were there. J.T.K...
Jeff's (POV)

Uhh oh! She looked at me with no emotion what so ever and said:


"Uhh, yeah?" I looked in her eyes, sweat dropping from my forehead

"RUN!" She yelled as she quickly came charging for me. Now I am in trouble!

She did not need to tell my twice. I wasn't scared but I wasn't calm either. Just about I nearly set hold on the stairs, I quickly got shoved down and turned to face her!
Your (POV)

I saw some slight fear in his eyes. I had his knife at his throat with an evil sparkle glimmer in my eyes.

"I told you to run. But hey, at least you can GO TO SLEEP!"

I held the knife over my head and quickly brought it down but....I didn't kill him. No I couldn't. I looked at his eyes to find more fear and shock than ever. I throw the knife on the ground and start walking to the doors.

"Okay I am gonna go. I'll be back in 30 minutes. Bye!" I say giving everyone a little wave before closing the door behind me.

Heat surrounded me as I quickly walk into the shady parts of the forest. The air was damp and the humidity was killing me. After ten minutes, I found my way out the forest and to the one and only place in town. The graveyard. Finding his stone, I fall to my knees in front of it and let a tiny tear out.

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