Straight From the Heart

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This Chapter is dedicated to the awesome people who commented on my last chapter and gave me great feedback :D

those people are:








thankies guys


After such a long time i have finally had the chance to write this chapter thou i should me studying for my Geography Exam on Friday but oh well i missed writing...

my saying of the week: awwwww yup!

hehe ive been pissing everyone off with saying it! and have had a hard time refraining from writing it in this story multiple time hehe

Anyways here we go my awesome little readers loving you



if you dare mauwhahahahahahahahahaha!

(well that was stupid never saying that again sighs...)

awayways ignore my rant and here we go...


Chapter 9


“Well I recon we should do some exercises to try make you shift”

“How?” I ask worried, the way he said it, it didn’t sound good.

“Oh, you’ll see.” Looking closely at me and then at Nathan and the way we stood almost protecting each other the principles face lit up and a smile crossed his face. “Well I wasn’t expecting that”


A week had passed since that awkward day in the hallway and life had changed considerably since. Every day after school I went home with the still extremely cocky Nathan to ‘train’ with his older brother Liam.

He was 20 and was studying business at University; Liam was also an amazing fighter that’s why I was taking lessons with him.  Liam was the soon to be alpha of the pack which I just found out because all along I thought the overly cocky Nathan was the next in line but he was only to be beta!

So far it was hard training or practising if you want to call it that, because I was self conscious as hell with Nathan watching and laughing at me every 10 seconds and also it was tiring physically.

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