[ 0 0 2 ] You've Got To Be Joking

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"Dylan?" My voice came out as more of a squeak than originally intended.

"Who would have guessed we'd end up at the same college," he stated lazily, unmoved by the sight of me. "I'm sure college will prove to be more interesting with you here." I could see the corners of his rough lips twitch into a smirk. Not knowing how to respond to what was said, I turned around. These are supposed to be the best days of my life, I couldn't let him ruin college for me.

"I'm going to go, it was nice meeting you Rex," I said, trying to keep my voice steady.

I had to evacuate the room, I couldn't stand to look at him.I noticed he held eye contact with me for a brief moment, an unseen emotion hovered in his eyes as I quickly turned to leave.

I sped down the empty halls, trying to remember what Bek said her room number was. Everyone was probably inside, meeting their new roommates and having a fantastic time. Me? I just found out the person who single-handedly ruined my high school life was attending the same college as me. Oh, and he seemed to be best friends with my roommate too.

"Ryder?" A voice that sounded awfully familiar alerted me, and I looked to my left.

"Becks," I whispered, feeling so relieved that I found her. "This is going to be a horrible day," I complained and tried to keep myself calm.

"What?" she asked, her voice showed signs of concern. "What happened?"

"He's here." I said, my voice still shaking. "Dylan,"

"Dylan O'Nate?" She asked and lowered her voice to a whisper. I freaked out all over again when she said his full name, and she placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "You have to calm down, he's probably not in any of your classes. Plus it's college now, you'd think he should be mature enough to not bother you."

"I doubt it, he's a class A dickhead," I replied and fiddled with the rims of my glasses. "Oh and my roommates a freak as well."


"He's friends with Dylan." I said, still trying to stay calm.

Becks sighed, "Just because he's friends with Dylan doesn't automatically make him a freak Ry," she said. "You need to calm down. This is your turf now - it's college. Don't let him get to you anymore." Beck's mood suddenly changed, "now come meet my roommate before we go to class!"


Becks led me through the corridors, smiling at a few people as we walked. Of course she has already made some friends, why couldn't' I be more like her?

"Tessa?" Beck's soft voice brought me out of my thoughts - I had a habit of spacing off sometimes.

"Come in!" A girl's voice called from behind the closed door we stood in front of. Becks pulled it open, and ushered me inside.

"This is Ryder!" Becks said, alerting a girl who sat on one of the beds with her legs crossed. The girl quickly hopped up, and began walking the short distance over to us. She had maroon hair and chestnut eyes, along with legs that seemed to go on for days. She looked very young, but was beautiful.

"It's so great to meet you!" She cried and wrapped her arms around me, pulling me in for a unexpected embrace. I froze in her grasp, not used to receiving this kind of attention from girls. "I've heard a lot about you from Becks," Tessa continued. "All good of course."

"Nice to meet you too," I replied. She seemed alright.

"Ryder, Tessa is an Art major just like us!" Bek said excitedly, obviously very excited to have met a new friend. "Anyways we'd better get going, our first class starts in ten minutes, and we have to stop by Ryder's room to get his books."

"No!" I replied quickly. "That's okay I can just borrow a paper from one of you," I said, not wanting to go back to the room in case Dylan was still there. I couldn't take that chance.

"Ryder!" Becks said, placing her hands on her hips. "We are going back to your room whether you like it or not - plus I want to meet your roommate."

"He's really nothing special," I mumbled in acceptance. I know it's wrong to judge people based on who they are friends with, but all of Dylan's friends were absolute jerks to me in high school and I wasn't about to put my trust into one. Nevertheless, I led the two girls down the halls towards where I remembered my room was. I checked the number briefly before pushing it open and walking in. "Hey," I called out towards the only person in the room, Rex. He was lounged on his bed and had a book in his hand - the cover read 'Mortal Instruments'

"Welcome back roomie," Rex responded gruffly to me, before turning his attention to Becks and Tessa. "Who are these two girls?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

Tessa stepped towards him, 'I'm Tessa and this is Becks." She said almost immediately.

"It's nice to meet you girls," Rex responded. I could tell he was wondering why I had two hot girls in our room, but I didn't exactly have time to explain. We grabbed my books and made our way back out to the hallway.

"Your roommate's hot!" Becks shrieked after we had gotten a few metres away from my room. Tessa just nodded in agreement.

"He's alright." I replied. He wasn't bad looking, he just isn't my type of guy.

They both shrugged and we made our way towards room 291.


Becks, Tessa and I were quick to grab the front seats, wanting to be able to absorb as much learning as we could. I'd started to like Tessa. She seemed a bit eccentric at times, but she was alright so far.

"Who is that?" She asked, breaking my thoughts. Becks and I turned around to see who she was talking about.

"Crap," the words tumbled out of my mouth when I saw the last person I would ever want to see. Dylan O'Nate walked in, surveying the room. His dark hair moved with him as his eyes scanned the surroundings. They stopped when he saw me and I swear I saw his cheeks curl as he smiled. Wait, Dylan never smiles; and why on earth is he in my art class? Is he trying to torture me?


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