C.3- The Proposal

Start from the beginning

I looked up at her through the mirror. Looking straight into her eyes.

She smirked again, raising her perfectly shaped eyebrow, "There you go again with the googly eyes. Stop it. It's creeping me out."

I sighed, smiling at her. "To answer your question Jo, yes. I want to be his Fiancé."

She grinned happily, applying the last touches of my make up. "I'm happy for you Pat, if only Violet was here to dance around the room."

I frowned slightly, "I know she hasn't been the best friend for the past five— almost six years, but if I ever plan on getting married. I'd still make her my bridesmaid, even if there's a really big chance that she won't come."

"Oh tush, enough of being sad thinking about Violet. This is your anniversary date with Luigi. Cheer up!"

I hugged Jo, "Thanks for always being there for me."

"Of course babe, I love you."

"I love you too." I smiled.

"Now shoo! Go have fun on your date! And don't bloody forget to use condoms!" She shouted on my way out.

I looked at her with shock.

"Oh tush, its not like you're still a virgin!"

"Joana! Shut up!" I chuckled.

She raised her hands up in surrender. "Okay okay. Fine I'll shut up."

I shook my head at her craziness. Closing the door behind me. I took a deep breath.

My phone rang.

"Hey love, I'm outside your apartment. Come on out."

"I'll be there in a few." I hung up.

Luigi seems like he couldn't wait for me. Because he met me halfway.

He gave me a flat look, "Geez, Pat we both know you walk slower than my grandma."

I chuckled, "Shut up,"

He kissed my forehead, "Shall we go to our 5th anniversary date?"

"We shall."

"But before we do that; you need to where this blindfold."

"Since when have you ever been cliché?"

He chuckled, "Never, but you still have to wear this."


Once I was blind folded. Luigi drove off.

"So, where are we going?"


"You suck."

"I can suck you all day and all night." He replied huskily, such a goddamn turn on.

"Luigi! Not here baby, I hear it's not very comfortable to do it inside the car." I smirked.

"You'll be surprised at how flexible I can be."

"Oh dear pancakes. Don't do this here."

He chuckled— how did I never notice how sexy his chuckle can be?

"We're almost there, baby."

I clapped my hands like a three year old. "Goodie! You better feed me some sushi. I'm starving."

"Trust me babe, I'll feed you more than sushi." He whispered huskily.

So fucking hot. "Luigi, stop it baby."

"I'm only stopping because we're already here."

I sighed in relief. One more of his dirty remarks and we would probably do it in his car.

I hear his side of the car door open and close, he opened the door on my side. "Come on, love."

"You better not let me trip, or let me step on dog shit. Because I swear to everything delicious. I'm going to slap your ass."

"You can slap my ass all night long, baby."

"I would kiss you right now, but I don't know where y—". Before I could finish my sentence, he kissed me.

I can feel his love for me through his kiss. He kissed me passionately, biting my lower lip before he finally pulled away from me.

Panting, he pecked my lips softly. "We should go before I decide to do it in my car." He whispered.

"That's what I was thinking." I laughed.

He chuckled, "This is why I love you."

He held my hand and lead me through a forest. I can hear the sound of water falls not far away from where we are.

"We're almost there."

The sound of the water falls grew louder. Until we finally stopped walking.

I felt him untie the blindfold.

I took in my surroundings, gasping at how beautiful this place was. We were beside the waterfalls. A table situated in the middle, and another table not far from us, was full of our favorite food.

The trees around us were decorated with white Christmas lights and lanterns.

I turned to look at Luigi who was beside me a few moments ago, but he wasn't there.

I found him behind me, on his knees. "Patricia, I know we've been through a lot together, and I know that our relationship is far from perfect, I made a lot of mistakes in the past; and I can't promise you that I won't be making more. But I would be the happiest man in the world if you would agree to spend the rest of your life with me. I'll even buy you tons of salmon shashlinging that you love so much." He chuckled, tears falling from his eyes. "Will you marry me?"

I was crying with so much happiness. "Yes! Yes, Luigi."

He slipped the heart shaped diamond ring on my ring finger. Kissing my hand.

He got up and kissed me on the lips.

"And baby, it's salmon sashimi."

He chuckled, "I'm sorry."

"I love you."

He pecked my lips, "I love you, too."

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