"Hello..." I spoke softly staring at her with wide eyes.

"You're Akira, am I correct?" The woman asked standing up from her seat in the couch. I nodded, my brows furrowing.

"I'm Ashley, I'm gonna be helping around the house along with helping you with some things. Your fiance Mr. August had to rush to work so I will be going shopping with you." She explained.

I narrowed my eyes at her for a bit. She chuckled as if thinking of something. She averted her eyes from me to the table that sat in the middle of the huge living. I followed her gaze to see car keys sitting on the table. She looked back up at me and grinned.

"Those are the keys to the white Range Rover. That's the car he picked for you, so let's head out." She spoke picking up the keys and throwing them my way. I managed to catch them.

"But..I was planning on going somewhere," I called to her as she started towards the door.

"Those plans have been cancelled. Oh and the house keys are also on there so lock the door on your way out." She nearly shouted.

I groaned and threw my head back in frustration. She clearly doesn't know that the marriage is fake. Yet, I'm not complaining. I don't have to to go shopping with Chresanto.

The car ride was quiet. I didn't say much to her she didn't say much to me. It wasn't uncomfortable though. We had the radio on and every once in awhile a familiar song would come on. I would hum our dance slightly.

I was following the GPS to whatever stores Chresanto had said to go to. We came to a red light and I dropped my hands from the wheel, relaxing slightly. I looked over to left and caught eyes of a young man. He wasn't looking at me, he was looking at the car. He was fascinated by it. He finally looked  up to meet my gaze.

He gave me a small smile and I smiled back. I looked back towards the street to notice that the cars in front of me were moving. I pressed the gas and moved forward following the navigation. It wasn't long before we arrived to the shop which looked very expensive from the outside. Just looking at how bland the outside was tells you something. It's usually the affordable stores that have very nice outer things with creative fonts as the name of the store. But not this one.

We strolled in catching people's attention right away. That's when a woman walked our way with a fake smile plastered on her face.

"Excuse me, if you're looking for that Rainbow store it's two down." She said softly. I felt the shade she was throwing. I couldn't suppress the soft grumbled that escaped my lips. She was older than 40 for sure. She had light brown hair that was cut into a bob. She was white and her skin looked soft, yet her face had quite a bit of wrinkles.

"This is Mr. August's fiance, Akira." Ashley muttered. I looked up to see a glare on her face. It's clear she wasn't happy with this woman's attitude. I watched as shocked washed over the woman's face. She glanced over at me, regret coloring her eyes.

"I'm so sorry, I had no idea." She said quietly. It came off as a whispered. I couldn't help but scoff crossing my arms over my chest. I pulled my sunglasses from my eyes. I put the sunglasses on my head and looked over at the woman who was now looking nervous.

"Well, Mr. August already had some clothes picked and bought so you'll be taking those home. Yet, if there is anything you want please look around." The woman said giving a genuine smile. I nodded my head slowly as my eyes wandered the store curiously.

Ashley grabbed my arm gently and tugged me towards the heels, "He said to make sure you get some heels. So go ahead." I glanced at her once before starting to look at some heels. I picked out a few, but Ashley kept pushing me to get more. I ended up with a bunch more than I wanted. We had got some tops along with skirts and pants and jeans. I was looking at the lovely dresses they had. I picked out a few dresses and I was eyeing one when someone wrapped their arms around my waist.

Round The Way Girl [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now