Author's Note

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This is the story I wanted to tell. The land has grown silent now, but still in other worlds it cries out to me. It calls for its children across the forest, across time, and perhaps across worlds. 

There will be more, in time. There will be other cats who have received second chances and others still who are standing on their own for the first time. 

As for me? 

Whether it be sun or moon or light and fire, I will run across the starry fields with those who loved me, free of visions and finally free to rest.

May your paws ever be swift and your claws sharp.


Well, this has been an amazing journey. I'd like to thank a few people for the support my story has received so far, but first, some backstory for those of you unaware of this story's origin- 

Ashleap's Fall is based around DragonClan, a Warriors RP that I have upheld for over 2 years (established October 22, 2013!) on Clash of Clans. Over the years, what began as a silly project between friends became something much more powerful and dear to my heart. Since I started Clash and Wattpad only months apart, the two have always been linked in my mind and my earliest followers came from people on there. I will never forget their (ongoing) support and the amount of love they've given my stories over the years. We might be  a clan, but we're also a family.

I'd also like to regretfully say that this will be my last Warriors fanfiction, at least for the time being. Though I do enjoy writing them, I'd like to take a quick breather and possibly get into some more original works. The Spoofs will update more and hopefully my prose will improve as well. For those of you who enjoyed this story, I'd like to interrupt this cheerful talk to remind you that I do have other stories and your continued support on all of them is ALWAYS appreciated. The first Dreamland book is Gardenkeeper's Daughters, for those of you interested in my original fiction. 

((If anyone's curious, Vengeance and Thin Ice, the previous DCfic novels, are also hidden somewhere. They're old and are definitely not canon with this book and only possibly with each other, but they're still fun for a light read.))

And now, for some miraculous people without whom this book could not be the same-

Some people who were part of this RP (I won't put their RP names up, but you're free to ask them yourself. They're all magnificent people and I KNOW I'm going to forget to tag some so please call me out on it if you don't see your name.)





SplashyKittyCat (She just missed it, actually. Sorry for taking Rush's kits out of the book. For those of you curious, their names are Plasmakit, Clearkit, Shinekit, and Shroudedkit.)




Mapleclaw (PS Broken Souls is starting soon get hype)



Special thanks to:

My salty ex-catfriend Deltarush for the extremely helpful motivational memes and the WindClan allegiances, a clan that never came up but sure as heck existed at the time.

Blazestorm and Sparrowheart838 for being some of my most devoted commenters, as well as leaving long comments with tons of feedback. In addition to being amazing supporters, they're also incredible writers and you (yes you!) should check out their stuff because both of them are some of the best Warrior Cat fanfiction writers I've ever had the pleasure to read.

With that concludes my final DragonClan book. Thank you all so much.

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