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There are so many small details about old DragonClan that I begin to notice as time crawls on. It's always slightly warmer here, despite being further to the north. The colors are seemingly warmer as well, as if someone tinted the entire world with sunlight. Perhaps it's a side effect of them being little more than memories, a way of cutting our worlds apart. A way of making this alternative look better. Another thing I've begun to notice is that if you know something that no one else does, something that could destroy life as they know it, even your loved ones will shrug it off. After all, the only thing more terrifying than you being crazy as a fox is even considering you might be right.

It's been almost a moon since I was here, and a moon seems to have passed without me. I woke up in the morning to the scent of herbs and knew I was hom- I mean here.

Here again.

As I stand up, Pyrewing's tail brushes mine. He's already in the den, rubbing gently against me. "It's the big day."

I purr as if I know what he's talking about. "Are you excited?"

"Of course. He's already out there."

He means Brownkit. If Brownkit is out there... and it's been a moon...

"Do you think he's ready to become an apprentice?" I ask, anxiety in my mew.

Pyrewing licks me gently. "He'll be fine."

I sigh. "Of course he will. I'm sorry." He helps me up as Infernotail glares at us both from the back of the den, and we walk together to cluster around the Hightree. Sure enough, Brownkit paces below it, fur fluffed out like some great caterpillar.

Questions buzz in my mind like bees as the other warriors close in around us and I lose sight of Brownkit in the crowd. Their very presence makes me anxious. There are so many cats I've either forgotten or never learned much about to begin with.

"Hello, Ashleap! How are you this morning?" asks a bright golden she-cat. She looks like Goldenfire, but has the energy of Maplepaw or Cherrypaw. What was your name again?

Another dark furred tom leers at me before padding to find a new place below the Highfall- no, it's the Hightree here! Who is that? Why can't I remember ever fighting him? Why does he look so angry?

For StarClan's sake, what was that one herb for headaches?

Focus, Ashleap, focus! Your son is becoming an apprentice today!

Rushcall might never have kits, not even with Novablaze, but here in this world, I get to be a mother, even if I'm just an adopted one. As Brownkit steps forward to stand below Featherstar, who's sizing him from her perch on the Hightree, I feel a rush of anxiety flood me.

"Brownkit, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Brownpaw. I will mentor you myself. Hopefully I will learn as much as you will learn from me in our moons together."

"Brownpaw! Brownpaw! Brownpaw!"

I exhale deeply. Thank StarClan he got a good mentor. Better yet, a great mentor! He must feel anxious as I did.

I take it back as I watch him race up, practically scrambling up the tree before Featherstar jumps down anyways. He races up to her to touch noses and headbutts her. She turns to the clan with a purr. "Quite the enthusiastic one."

The clan echoes their amusement before slowly dispersing, returning to their early morning activities. The dawn patrol is already out and the rest of the clan is taking a quick bite and sharing tongues.

Pyrewing disappears into the crowd, only to return with Brownpaw, who practically bounces off the walls with delight. "Did you hear that?!"

"Oh, I did." Pyrewing purrs. "We all heard, didn't we, Ashleap?"

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