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"This draws the first official warriors ceremony of DarkClan to a close." Novakit says, jumping down from a branch.

    "Sparrowsong! Sparrowsong! Sparrowsong!" Nettlekit and I call. Sparrowkit walks amongst us, obviously embarrassed by the attention.

    "So what now?" I ask.

    "Border patrol!" Nettlekit replies.

    Sparrowkit nods, and Novakit nods for us to go. "I'll guard camp." he says.

    We patrol the exterior of the bush together, proudly, trying to imagine it as a massive territory instead of one bush on the edge of camp. It's really easy to imagine it as a lot bigger if I lower myself close to the ground, but the warriors are all staring at us, including my mother, who I can see watching her kits play eagerly.

    My ears prick as I hear pawsteps and see Sharpkit wander towards us with a smirk on her face. I dive into the bush, gesturing for my clanmates to follow. They do so, confused but both excited.
    "What's going on?" whispers Sparrowkit.

    "Intruder!" I hiss lowly. I indicate Sharpkit.

    Sparrowkit is about to say something but Nettlekit says to me, "We should ambush her!"
    "Great idea! One two three GO!" I jump out of the bush and Sharpkit yowls as I crash on top of her. She looks up and her claws unsheathe, but she can't get me off of her. I purr, enjoying how much larger I am, which comes mainly from my larger share of milk and ability to grab the biggest prey first.

    Sparrowkit looks nervous. "Maybe we should ease up. She's not really an intruder."

    "Alright." I say, begrudgingly. I lift myself off Sharpkit, but she immediately flings herself on top of me, tail lashing. Her face is bared into an ugly snarl.

    "No one likes your stupid weird kit clan! You're always trying to keep me out of it." Sharpkit hisses, her claws unsheathed. "You attacking me is as far as this goes!"

"You can join us, if you want. We never said any of that." I tell her, through gritted teeth. My fur is hot. Of course I don't want her in DarkClan but nothing I say will keep her out now and I don't want her to go tell Shadowstar.

"W-what? You're just saying that so I don't tell Shadowstar!"

Well, obviously, but I'm not going to tell her that. "No! You can be Sharptooth! You could be our medicine cat if you want!"

"Look, I'm sorry that she attacked you-" Sparrowkit says, but Sharpkit puts a paw to his side, cutting him off with narrowed eyes.

"I don't want to hear it from you!" She spits at my brother, her eyes narrowed. Everything about her indicates fear but she keeps going, shaking at the confrontation. "You betrayed me for them! We were supposed to be friends, with big heroic destinies but you're one the wrong side! Shadowstar's gonna- she's gonna-"
    "I'm 'gonna' what?" Shadowstar snaps, standing overhead. My ears flatten and my eyes widen, knowing it's too late now. Whatever apologies I could've issued, now Shadowstar's going to end the clan.

"They have a KIT clan!" Sparrowkit says proudly, as if she's just discovered a conspiracy from other clans to kill us all.
    Shadowstar looks as if we murdered her father. "You kits made what?"
    "It's just a game!" Novakit says, dashing out of the bushes. "We didn't mean any harm!"

"Kit clans are not just a game. They're a dangerous way to foster rebellion in impressionable minds and set up a hierarchy between kits who should all be learning and training together as equals. You have no idea what you're doing and it needs to be disbanded, right now."

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