Chapter 1: Venture Day

Start from the beginning

Freya is a Watcher-in-training. Today was her first day on the job. Her outfit was the same as mine, but instead of leather, she had a camouflage material. Her strawberry blonde hair was slicked back into a ponytail and in her hazel eyes, you could see the excitement.

"You're looking forward to today, huh?" I said, folding my arms and raising an eyebrow.

"It's my first day, I'm also nervous." She said, I could hear the apprehension in her voice.

Once a human turns fifteen, they are required to choose a path, whether that be part of the Service, a Watcher or a Venturer. Not many people choose the Venturer path as it was highly dangerous and required a lot of training. My sister chose to be a Watcher, and I couldn't think of a path that suited her more.

"You'll do just fine kiddo." I made light of the situation and put my arm over her shoulders. She smiled at me but I could see fear behind the excitement in her eyes. It was always like this on a Venture Day. She was scared for me.

"I'll be fine. I always come back, don't I?" I tried to calm her.

"But what if you don't this time! You could also come back injured!" She exclaimed. Sighing, I bent down to face her, I placed my hands on her shoulders.

"Don't worry about me, whatever happens, happens. Today is about you, enjoy it." I smiled, not ignoring the fact that she was right.

"Do you promise you will come back?" She pouted. To tease her, I pretended to think about this for a minute.

"We'll see. Hopefully I will, if I'm lucky." I said with as much of a straight face as I could muster before I broke out laughing at her expression.

"You're an ass." She laughed as she pushed me lightly.

"Whatever you say, sister dearest." I joked as I put my arm over her shoulders again. We made our way out of the tiny hallway and outside the front door. Gram was in her private cottage a little deeper in the forest. Most likely I wouldn't see her before I had to leave.

Venturers and Watchers were gathered in the Base square, sitting at the long tables. Venturers aren't allowed breakfast as we can't run on a full stomach, instead we are given snacks for when we need a break. Freya left me to join the Watchers on one table a I joined the Venturers on the other.

"Attention all Venturers!" Our leader, Garrett, shouted to the small amount of us. "Today, you are to go out into the open for more supplies that we require to survive. You brave yourselves against the dangers that lurks outside our forest borders. The monsters will stop at nothing to capture, injure and kill you. I beg of you to take extreme caution. Satchels are being handed out to each of you, bring back as much as you can. You have been given four hours to head out into a vacant monster city that lies near Zyire. Remember our one rule. Get in, get out, return to Base, never get caught. I wish each and everyone of you the best of luck and with that, let Venture Day begin!"

Everyone applauded once he had finished talking. All of us stood in sync and began the ten minute walk towards the forest clearing. My sister was busy talking to a new friend she had made when she joined the Watchers, Elise, I think her name was. My own friend, Rose, was also a Watcher, but she was already at the clearing, some of the more experienced Watchers were always sent down to the clearing a little earlier.

As the clearing came into view, some Watcher climbed down from their stations in the trees.

"All is clear, though some guards have been spotted on the Southern borders, not too far from here." A Watcher reported to the head Venturer Juni. She nodded as a thanks and turned around to the rest of us.

"You heard leader Garrett. You have four hours. Now, prepare your backsides because guards are nearby. Take extreme caution and under the pain of death, do not get caught. You have two minute before you are to run." She said to us.

"Dawn!" I heard someone shout and I turned around to see Freya running towards me and not soon after, I was tackled into a hug.

"Please be careful." She murmured, it sounded as if she was close to crying.

"I always am." I replied, I saw the Watchers begin to climb the trees to their stations.

"Come on Watcher Freya, to your battle station." I teased, pulling out of her hug. She sniffed a laugh. I kissed her forehead before she reluctantly ran to a tree and began to climb.

"Goodbye." I saw her mouth towards me before she disappeared into the leaves, vanishing from my sight.

"Goodbye little one." I smiled to myself before turning around to face the clearing.

"Venturers, align!" Juni shouted and we lined up beside each other. I could see the soft shimmer of the border that protects us.

"Venturers, run!" Juni shouted and I sprinted, past the forest, through the border, and out into monster territory.

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