Chapter Seven: (Picture of Caesar and Claire) WWIII and Festivals

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Chapter Seven

WWIII and Festivals

(Picture of Caesar and Claire)

Dear Mom;

I'm leaving. Not to go to Minnesota – to go on a road trip across the country with James Braxton, a guy I've only just met and am possibly falling in love with. I know, I know, you think it's a reckless move and I'm being an irresponsible teenager, but this is what I want. I'm almost nineteen – I can make my own decisions. I'll be long gone by the time you get this, so don't bother looking for me.

I'll keep it touch and be back in a few months.

Give my love to the family

- Tara

I'm not going to lie.

A very unfaithful, guilty pleasure rides up inside my chest and practically consumes me. I'm sure why I'm even feeling the way I was at that precise moment. All I can really understand is that I'm laughing.

Yes, laughing.

I start and I can't stop. Dad has a baffled look on his face, something I'd never seen him look at Kara with. Pride or joy or some other form of praise was always on his face when he looked at my twin, but now? Baffled.

Jourdan's cleaning Liam's spit off of her face, and Paige is helping her, but no one besides Dad dares to look at Kara.

I excuse myself, chuckling helplessly into my napkin. I feel horrible – the guilty pleasure that my sister isn't as perfect as people were making her out to be overwhelming me.

Steph rises out of her seat, and follows me. Her expression is painted out in true shock, and her hands are still pressed against her face.

As we walk to the bathroom, we could still hear Dad asking at Kara, " couldn't even wait until it wasn't my birthday anymore? You had your whole life ahead of you, Kara! College was paid for – you had a full ride and you just decide to throw it all away?"

Steph and I keep to ourselves in the women's restroom. After a while of breathing heavily, and her hand moving from her mouth to her chest, my little sister looks at me with her big, blue eyes, tears brimming the edges of them, and tries to open her mouth. She opens and closes it a few times, trying to find the right words to say, until finally a question comes from her mouth makes me want to crumple down and cry.

"Why were you laughing?"

It was a simple question. I don't even know the answer. So I say:

"It's complicated, Steph." I don't even look into her eyes. I focus on the mirror.

"I know you're jealous of her," She says, placing her shaking hand over mine. I don't look at her. I look at the ridiculous human in front of me, that looks just like me, but isn't me. She's right. What kind of sister would laugh in pleasure when they found out their twin's life was ruined?

Steph continues, "but that doesn't mean you can't be supportive. You could at least comfort her, Tara."

"I know," I say, my voice cracking a bit at the end, "You're right, Steph, I'm sorry."

"Maybe you should go apologize to Kara," she shrugs.

I nod.

So, together, my little sister and I leave the bathroom, and see Liam and Daniel looking over uncertainly at our table. They're shooting wary glances from their spot next to the Men's Restroom door.

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