The Yule Ball

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I'm sitting down in our dorm, I drum my fingers against my leg, nervous like I was never before. While Ginny finishes my nails on my right hand.

"Calm down Ally" Hermione says, she's also pretty nervous,

"Calm down! How am I meant to calm down!" I say, I'm a nervous wreck,

"Look in the mirror Ally" Ginny says encouragingly.

I nod and stand up walking over to the mirror, I look at myself with wide eyes.

The reflection is a beautiful tall girl, with gentle features, beautiful blonde locks pulled up into a messy low bun, the dress has lace sleeves and the bodice and the skirt are a navy blue, just like the hairpiece I have. And a lovely silver belt, also wearing blue and silver studs and blue pumps. I soon realize the girl is me..

"Wow, I look" I try to find a word

"Stunning!" Hermione squeals.

"Let's go!" Ginny squeals and we walk out me in the middle, Ginny on the left and Mione on the right.

We cautiously walk down the stairs and into the common room to find it empty. The boys are waiting in the hall for us, we walk through the castle, passing Sofi and Dennis who are sitting on a bench holding hands,

"You look cute you two" I coo at them and Sofi blushes.

"You look beautiful Ally!" Sofi says hugging me.

"Not as beautiful as you duckling" I say hugging her back and walking down the stairs, careful not to trip.

Ginny walks down the stairs leading to the hall first and goes off to find Neville. Hermione and i peek around the corner of the wall and everyone looks at us, we just stand there nervously, as we take a deep breath and begin walking downstairs, to hear whispers,

"Is that not Hermione Granger and Aleks Krum?" Someone whispers.

"They're stunning" someone else says, Harry is standing directly in front of me about 3 meters away,

"Beautiful" he says looking at me smiling widely.

"Hello Harry" I say when I reach him,

"Wow, Ally. You look Stunning" he says looking wide eyed

"You don't look to bad yourself Potter" I say and smirk at him.

"Potter! To the Great hall, the champions are opening the dance!" McGonagall rushes,

"W-what?!" He says shocked but I hold his hand and he calms down as we head towards the line of Champions,

At the front is Fleur Delacour with Ravenclaw Roger Davies, behind them are Cedric Diggory with Cho Chang, next Vicky and Mione, and Harry and I at last.

We all enter the hall and people start applauding.

"Is that Aleks Krum?" Someone asks,

"So she's really with Harry Potter!" Someone else says

The music begins, and Harry places his hand on my waist, which I blush at slightly, and we start dancing along with the music, it turns out Harry's a great dancer, after he learns.

"I can't believe you actually came with me" Harry whispers

"I'm happy I did though, your lucky you asked me first, after you asked me I got asked like 20 odd times" I giggle. And he smiles, as the music finishes, everyone claps and the Weird Sisters (a popular wizard band) steps up on stage, and begins rocking the hall, Harry and I break into dance. He's twirling me about with the biggest grin I've seen.

What I didn't know is that a lot of boys were glaring at us, that includes Victor, Draco and Ron...

We danced away the night until we go tired, we walked hand in hand, and I sit down    as Harry goes to fetch us something to drink, Mione comes twirling towards me and sitting beside me, her cheeks are blushing red and she has a huge grin on her face.

"Wow. Victor is amazing, and he's no nice!" Mione says sighing happily,

"You've fallen in love Mione?" I ask giggling.

"Maybe I have! What about you?" She teases and I blush.

Do I actually love Harry? Well I think I do.. Screw it! I love Harry Potter!

"I... I love Harry" I whisper blushing and she squeals hugging me, as Victor comes towards her with her drink and Harry brings me mine, I turn my head to a giant clock it's only 10, wow I've been dancing for 2 hours.

Soon Mione and Vicky slip away somewhere and it's just Harry and I, the ball is great until, Ron and Mione got into an argument and Ron stormed out the Hall and up to his dorms, leaving Mione on the stairs crying.

I quickly run over to her pulling her into a hug,

"Hey he's not worth crying over, come on let's go, Vicky's waiting for you" I say giving her my hand pulling her up and we both walk towards the boys and we're dancing again. At about half past 11 most couples left, including Mione and Victor, Harry and I are slow dancing, while we talk,

"Thank you Harry" I say

"For what?" He asks confused

"For inviting me" I say pecking his cheek, he blushes red, when the song finishes he whispers "come with me" and I nod taking his hand, we walk out onto a balcony, overseeing the black lake, and the Forbidden Forest.

"Ally" Harry says, he sounds nervous? He takes a deep breath and begins to speak.

"I know we only met a couple months ago, but since I saw you cheering for me during the first task, I knew it. Aleks, I love you, and will you do the honor of becoming my girlfriend?" He asks nervously.

I grin and throw my arms around him, "Of course Harry!" I squeal as he wraps his arm around my waist, he leans down and.....
Victor jumps out!!!! Jk jk

and kisses me on the lips! It's magical! Millions of fireworks erupt in my stomach, as the kiss deepens I wrap my arms around his shoulders, and smile into the kiss, but being only humans, we had to pull away, I was blushing a deep red.

"I love you Harry," I say to him as I lean my forehead on his.

"I love you Ally" he says kissing my nose, we head back inside hand in hand and straight to the dance floor, as it was the last song of the evening, a slow and romantic song, there were only a few couples left, I wrap my arms around his neck as he wraps his around my waist, and we dance, as the song begins to finish he twirls me around and kisses my forehead, then we both begin to walk out, I stop and take my blue heels off, and pick them up in my right hand as we begin to walk, I'm very sleepy by now and my head is rested on Harry's shoulder, he looks at me and smirks picking me up bridal style, causing me to squeal. He carries me all the way to the Common room, putting me down, just after we stepped inside,

"Goodnight, Ally" he says kissing my cheek.

"Night Harry" I say kissing him back and swiftly walking up to my dorm, I open the door to my dorm and see Mione and Ginny awake chatting on Ginny's bed, and Sofi is asleep, I come in, cheeks red and a wide grin.

"How was it?" Ginny asks and I blush,

"He kissed me, it was magical" I say as they squeal tackling me into a huge hug,

I quickly take off my dress and put in in my trunk along with my heels, I undo my hair which falls into waves, and go to the bathroom to wash off my makeup, and change into a red pajama dress. I walk out and lay on my bed, and tell the girls all about my Ball with Harry, and after 1 hour I fall into a restless sleep dreaming of Harry...

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I wrote it while in school today, when I was on a trip to this Girl 4 Physics workshop thing, it was great fun! I actually learned something! Haha

-Lily xx

That Krum girl (A Harry Potter Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang