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This one will be pretty short but I'll make the next ones longer. Promise

We all walk down to the great hall for the choosing of the champions, I am a bit nervous, my brother is after all entering the tournament, if his name gets chosen, he could even die!

I walk down the stairs with Hermione, Harry, Ron, Fred, Ginny, Seamus, Sofi, Dennis(Sofi's friend) and George. Sofi is walking beside Dennis, blushing. Young love I guess, it is cute but Vicky will go a bit mad,

I lean my head on Fred's shoulder, I'm tired, I stayed up all night worrying about this tournament, like seriously! Host a tournament where the champions can die! Like it's scary! We walk downstairs and into the hall and sit down like this

Hermione Harry Me Fred Seamus
Ginny Ron George Sofi Dennis

We sit there as Dumbledore goes up to the goblet. The first slip flies into his hand,

"The champion of Beauxbatons is Miss Fleur Delacour!" He says loudly and a Blonde girl goes up and shakes his hand as he points to a door as she goes there,

Next slip "Champion of Durmstrang" oh no, "Mr Victor Krum" he says and I sadden, Vicky goes up shaking his hand, then turns to me and gives me a smile and notices I'm sad, then turns and leaves,

"The champion of Hogwarts is Mr Cedric Diggory!" Dumbledore yells as a Hufflepuff boy steps up and shaking hands with Dumbledore, leaves

"Now that we have our three champions-" he gets cut off by the Goblet throwing out another slip "Harry Potter" he whispers

"Harry Potter!" He yells out, Harry looks petrified "Go Harry" I hug him and he goes up,

"He's too young!" One student yells

"Cheat!" Yells another

When the teachers leave I'm left dumfounded, both my older brother and my best friend are in the Tri-Wizard Tournament...

That Krum girl (A Harry Potter Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz