Quidditch World Cup

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Aleksandra's Pov

I sit in our tent, by saying our, I mean mine and the Bulgarian Quidditch Team. I am the youngest on the team, only 14. I sometimes feel odd, being the only girl on the team but actually I'm also the only girl in my school, I go to Durmstrang Institute, which is an all boys school, but since I have an overprotective father and brother, they wanted me to go to school with Victor so he can keep an eye on me, which was a bad idea because all the boys love me since I'm a half-veela. My little sister goes to Beauxbatons academy in France, she is only 11.

I sit there just tying my shoe-laces on my trainers, we are just about to go and practice for the match tonight. I love Quidditch and it's my life, but it is a tiring sport.

"Aleks, let's go sestra (sister)" Vicky says giving me a hand, I take his hand grabbing my Firebolt on the way out. All of the players on the team, except me and Vicky are all married men, with families.

Vicky and I exit our tent and I look around, it's still pretty early in the afternoon, it's only 1, we already ate lunch and are ready to practice. All of the other players, except Alexei Levski are already on the field, we walk hand in hand over to the field and as I turn my head to the right, I see 4 boys staring at me, 3 are gingers. Two of them look to be twins about 16? And then the ginger boy is about my age, then there is another boy, a raven-haired boy with black, round glasses. I send them a smile, showing off my pearly whites, and I hear the younger ginger yell "That's Victor and Aleks Krum!" I giggle and me and Vicky run to the pitch, quickly followed by Alexei.

"Right let's begin the practice!" Vicky shouts. "We will win this cup!" Vicky cheers us on.

The first thing we practice is our formation for the beggining of the match. It's always me and Vicky on the front behind us the two other chasers, Levski and Dimitrov, the beaters, Vulchanov and Volkov, and the last one is our keeper Zograf.

Vicky and I do handstands on our brooms, circling the stadium. I jump off my broom while in the air only to be caught by Vicky, he puts me on his shoulders and we do a half circle and I jump off to land perfectly on my broom.

Then we go to practising throwing, catching, scoring and the practice goes on for 3 hourse straight. All of us are tired but I really want to explore. We get off our brooms and exit out of the stadium to make room for the Irish team to train.

"Guys, I'm off to explore a little, Vicky take my Firebolt please" I say handing him my Firebolt,

"Ok sestra, just be back in an hour." He says and I hug him

"Chao pryateli! (Bye Guys), They all answer with a chorus of 'Bye Aleks'

I walk off to where I last seen the boys. I notice there they are! This time there is 3 gingers, the raven haired boy and a brown haired boy. They all walk towards me and a chorus of Hi's.

"Chao! I'm Aleks" I smile showing my pearly whites.

"O Godric! It's Aleks Krum!" says the ginger my age he looks like he is about to faint.

"Yes it's me, no need to get excited" I giggle, "What are your names, momcheta (boys)?"

"What is momcheta?" One ginger asks.

"Oh sorry, I forgot I'm not in Bulgaria anymore, momcheta means boys" I apologise to them and they shurg it off.

"Well I'm Fred Weasley and this is my twin brother George" says the same ginger, Fred.

"I'm Ron Weasley, and these two are my idiot older brothers" he says huffing at Fred and George.

I giggle a little. "I'm Seamus Finnigan, madame" he says and tries to act 'flirty'.

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