Isabella spoke,  pulling his attention from his lovely bride back to her.  "She is but a human.  Even with you gifting her with immortality Leonardo, she can never be like us.  She will be no more important in our world that Ric is.  A servant to your needs, another food source.  If you are so hell bent on keeping her, then keep her as a pet.  Just don't bind yourself to this....this creature."   

Leo closed his eyes and reminded himself that the lady beside him was his mother for the second time in so many minutes.  She was the one that gave birth to him and it would do him no good to cause her bodily harm.  He clenched his fists tightly by his side and took several deep breaths.

"Mother, this is the last time I am going to say this to you.  Shelby is my partner, my equal.  As soon as the conversion is complete we will be married.  Either get used to it now or you can leave."  The way that he said the words brokered no arguments.  Isabella could see the resolve on his face but it didn't stop her from trying again.

"But, but what about Tatiana?" she asked sounding forlorn. Isabella had plans, big plans.  That was the whole reason for her coming up here in the first place.  Tatiana and Leonardo were the perfect match for each other.  Both true born and from upstanding families, their wedding would be the social event of the year.  

Leo snorted, now it all made perfect sense to him.  His mother wanted Tatiana and him together. "Mother, Stop!" He told her holding up his hand when she began to protest.  "My future lies with Shelby and no other.  You better start getting used to that fact whether you like it or not.  She is mine and that is the last time that I am going to tell you."

A small mewling sound came from the bed.  Leo's attention went directly to Shelby and he cursed when he saw her thrashing her head from side to side.  It was long past time for her to feed and he had lost sight of that fact by arguing with his mother.  Unbuttoning his shirt he continued to speak, "Look, I need to tend to my future bride.  Stay if you want or leave but let it be known now, I will not have you treating my Shelby any different than you would treat Arneaux or Giva's life partners."

Isabella stared hard back at Leo.  There was no way in hell that she would ever accept this fiend with open arms.  There had to be a way to convince Leo otherwise.  Tatiana was very beautiful and a much better match for Leo.  Isabella had already come to think of her as a beloved daughter in law. Over the last month the two of them had bonded and even gone as far to look at wedding gowns and venues for the big event.  All they needed now was the groom to agree to the wedding.   

Leo ignored his mothers stare.  With his shirt now off he sat on the bed and drew his sweet Shelby into his arms.  If this was what heaven was like, Leo mused, then he would be content to just sit here for the rest of eternity and hold her in his arms.  

Shelby's moans become more audible and her head started to turn more wildly.  She needed sustenance now.  

Without a moment of hesitation Leo lifted his hand, extended a large talon like nail and sliced it across his chest.  The blood welled up there instantly and that was when he finally lifted his head and met his mother stare with an equally hard one of his own.  "I will be busy for the next two days and I do not expect to be disturbed.  Are we clear mother?"

Blood Bound- Book 1 of the Bonded Series- CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now