Chapter 18:T.H.A.R.S.O.O.C.

Start from the beginning

Vikram looked at it, taken aback, placing a hand on his scar instinctively.

He smiled."Ah, I think you've just made the smart choice. Take care now!" He smiled broadly and walked off, leaving the Mage stunned.

That night, Black Griffin celebrated in the town. They had arrived in the city of New Geruva with no further incidents. Upon arriving, Vizier and Viviara had rushed to the council rooms. There had been many things to discuss, and the status of Black Griffin apparently ranked very low on their priorities list. After a while, Vodrai walked out, beaming, as she had been officially recognized as a noble.

The sun was beginning to set when Vizier walked out with a scroll."Lady Demon, I am pleased to announce that the land upon which your fortress and homes are built, as well as the lands half a mile from them in all directions, are officially recognized as a separate power."

She looked over the scroll."What is this...'Griffin's Roost'?"

He smiled."You're welcome to change it, but your land will need a name, won't it?" She nodded."I suppose so...and a fine name it is."

It was only later that night that Giles, a few drinks into the evening, raised concerns."Griffin's Roost? That's what they're naming our kingdom? Just won't work!"

Reba sighed, pulling the bottle away from him."And why, pray tell, is that Giles?"

He pointed at her."You, me, 'n all the people livin' there, eh? Y'know what it makes us if we live in Griffin's Roost?"

Narra looked over."What?"

Giles smiled."Griffin Roosters. Haha-Gah! Ow!"

His laughter agitated his cracked ribs, and Reba scolded him.

Narra frowned."...Good point, we'd be calling ourselves chickens!"

Reba sighed and pinched one of Giles' nerves, knocking him out."Please, as though people would think to use that to mock Black Griffin."She replied, carefully lowering his head onto her lap and stroking his hair back.

Narra blinked."...Did you just-"

"Very easy when he gets drunk." Reba replied."I used it when he was a boy and he was too rowdy. Still very handy." She smiled, drinking a bit from the bottle.

Guiltare was speaking with Morz and Vaussten when Vizier walked over, bowing."This is indeed a wonderful day for both of our peoples." Guiltare nodded in agreement.

Vizier hesitated."Ah....If it would please Sir Ruin, there is something-"

"No." Vaussten replied, taking another drink.

He sighed."It is...You may bring others if you wish, but it is something I insist upon showing you."

Guiltare, seeing Vaussten was about to give an angry retort, quickly stood."Vaussten. Come, that is an order."

He sighed and stood, brow furrowed in annoyance."...But of course, your Demon-ness." He replied, knowing it would annoy her. She pretended to have no objections and nodded to Vizier, who lead them off.

Vizier lead them to a section of town that seemed brighter, with extra torches hung along walls, and streets that had been swept clean."The region for our temples." He explained.

Vaussten crossed his arms."Oh? Plan on trying to convert me to one of your rip-off gods, Fauxmen?" Vizier shook his head patiently.

He turned a corner."I just want you to see the shrine to one of our Saints." He replied."One of your people, actually."

Guiltare frowned."...Your people approved a saint from the Vraimen?"

He chuckled."I tried them at first, but...they said no unanimously. So, I appealed directly to the church, and they thought it would be a lovely idea. They couldn't complain too much then."

Vaussten snorted."Even so, probably just..."

He trailed off, seeing a statue of a young woman, holding a sword in the air. Even though there was a look of ferocity on her face, there was still an elegant beauty present as well. He put his hand on the statue's face."....Vialla..."

He nodded."I....retrieved what I could of her body and had it entombed here."

Vaussten kneeled, reading a plaque."Saint Vialla of Aurega.....tharsooc?"

Vizier smiled."It's an abbreviation, see the dots? T.H.A.R.S.O.O.C. The Honored And Revered Saint Of Outspoken Courage."

Vaussten traced over the letters carefully, smiling at that.

Vizier continued."Her shrine is visited by many people, you know. Most are just Vraimen seeking to pay respects. Some are students at the magic academy who have to give their presentation to graduate. A few are even generals who need help to speak before their armies. Trust me, she's helped me quite a few times, and-"

There was a crumbling sound as Vaussten touched the sword of the statue. He smiled, placing the crystal sword in its place."That's....a holy weapon then, right? Only fair that it's with it's creator."

Guiltare smiled at the sight."It suits the shrine well."she commented.

Vaussten stood and turned, walking off. He looked over his shoulder briefly at Vizier, gave him a hard look, then gave a short, respectful nod before he turned the corner. Guiltare smiled. She knew next to nothing of Vaussten's sister, but she couldn't help but think she would be happy to see the man her brother had become.

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