"I know that we've just been relaxing allot, but a nap sounds good. Laila was being a little difficult last night when I got up to feed her. She wouldn't go back to sleep." Niall giggled to me. I can agree that he was right. Last night was kind of hard on us because all Laila wanted was for me to hold her after Niall fed her, but I knew she needed to get back in her own bed so we delt with her crying and whining for an hour straight. In the end, however, I know that doing that will create an independent child so Niall and I both fought the urge to just listen to her.

When we got back to the flat, we both cleaned a few things up. Niall went to our bedroom while I picked up a few of Theo's toys from the living room. He was a very cute kid. He reminded me so much of Niall that it almost scared me. They both had mannerisms that were the same and they looked the same as well. Part of me couldn't help but picture that's exactly what Niall's own child would look like if he had one of his own DNA. However, I secretly think that Laila's eyes are nearly identical to Niall's color of eyes so maybe that's what a mix of us would look like. Unfortunately, I still see Perrie in Laila.

I went down the hall to our bedroom where Niall was putting up that picture and poem I had given him for his gift. I didn't even know he had brought it with him until now, but I liked how he put it on his nightstand on his side of the bed. I swear Niall and I are married already and have been for fifty years now. We have a side of the bed, we have our own coffee mugs and we have our own space in the bathroom and closet for or stuff. It just happened naturally that way and I loved it.

"I'm so happy." Niall whispered to me once he looked away from the picture. I sat on the bed and pat a spot next to me. He sat next to me with his light smile. Our hands found each other immediately, but I really wanted Niall to be on the same page I was kind of on. I wanted more than this, but if he didn't then I would definitely wait.

I leaned and and connected our lips in a slow meaningful kiss. My hand went up and rest on his cheek while I felt his hand that was laced in mine give it a squeeze. Our kiss begin to increase in heat as the minutes ticked on. It was nice because we weren't rushing or hiding. It was just sharing some kisses that were saying something more. My lips moved off his and went to his neck. Niall surprised me by pulling me in closer to kiss at his neck.

"Feels good." He slurred out a little to me. I smiled against his skin before giving it a little bite. That caused him to groan but move from me and cover his face in embarrassment. I got his hands off his face and forced him to look at me.

"Niall, it's okay to make sounds like that if something feels good. Can we go a little bit farther now?" I asked him. He nodded almost immediately and laid back on the bed. I crawled over him and suddenly felt nervous about what I was doing. So I resorted back to kissing him then slowly dropping my hips to his. He stopped kissing me and shocked his head. I felt him getting hard against me, but he didn't seem like he wanted it. Or he was just really embarrassed about it. I pulled back to see his face and got a nod to continue.

I got his shirt off with ease and mine followed as well. I was comfortably to get my sweats off then get Niall's off. He distracted me from actually looking at him by bringing our lips together in a kiss that seemed to innocent for this. My hands traveled over his soft curvy body before I stated to slip off his boxers. Niall got my wrists in his hands and forced me to look him in the eyes.

"I'm not, uh, really ready for this. Like, I want to do it but I don't look very presentable for this." He whispered to me like he hated the fact he had to tell me this. I looked down and pulled the band of his boxers down enough to see he was just a normal person with hair. However, Niall blushed like this was the most embarrassing moment of his life.

"Niall, I really don't care because we all have hair and stuff. I do and I'm not going to make a big deal out of it because it's normal. Plus, I like that you can just be all you and nothing more. Everything on you is absolutely perfect." I whispered. With that, he let me get hair boxers off his body, his hard member slapping his lower stomach a little. To took my boxers off and begin to kiss Niall deeply again.

My hand wrapped around both of our hard selves after I got to a place where I could be comfortably close with him. I moved my hand at a slow pace that brought us both pleasure. Niall let out a gasp when I swiped over his tip then whined for me when I moved my hand faster. His hands gripped my shoulders before he couldn't even continue kissing me anymore and just looked at me with a lust covered blue eyes. There was also confusion in them and a small amount of love.

Soon we both couldn't continue on and spilt into my hand only minutes apart from each other. Niall came second and I saw his body lurch forward and his eyes shut tightly like he had never experienced that before. I knew he hadn't but that didn't mean he had never done anything. I flopped on the bed next to him and got some tissues to wipe off my hand. Niall pulled the blankets to cover himself then his blue eyes started drooping shut.

"That was incredible." He said in a sleepy tone. I kissed his forehead then got under the blankets with him. Our hearts were still beating hard in our chests, but with each thumb grew a feeling of love for the person next to us.

A/N: here's an update before I go on to California for competition!!! I hope you like it! What was the weirdest thing you did today?!?!?!?! Comment/Vote!
-Bri ;)

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