Chapter 13: the assult

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Tony's POV

I land on the ground and run to take cover behind a rock. I look out into the field and see three guards standing outside the hanger door. I sneak up and knock them out. I descend the horrible old brick stairs. Those stairs seemed as if a distant memory as if I had seen them before but I brush it off.

I get in inside and I look side to side.

"Tony we have landed and are taking out all the guards around the compound and then we will head inside to make sure no Hyrda agents get alway." I heard Natasha over the radio.

"Copy that I taking out these to two guards and heading in. See you guys in there." I smiled.

"Copy that but be safe, Tony." Bruce quickly added and then we signed off.

'Ok take those guys out and get inside and find the control room' my thoughts interrupted by an all to familiar scream.

"Cap" I said under my breath. I start the thrusters and take off toward the sound. He must be close.

"Jarvis track the sound!" I shout into my face mask.

"Yes sir. It's 20 feet to the right from your position now" his monotone voice made me cringe he did not care about cap.

I turned left. Where is everyone? Whatever I need to find Steve. Something isn't right here.

"Jarvis, where are all the guards and staff?" I question into my face mask. Before I receive an answer I hear Cap again screaming. I rush towards it.

"Cap! Cap! Steve! Rodgers damn it can you hear me!" I shout banging on the door. I know he is in this room. I can hear him. I just need to ..... my voice is cut off by someone slamming into the back of me making hit the door. The door slide over and the person jumped over me. I feel the door start to close and I jump up on to my feet to make sure it doesn't break my ankles. My shoulder and back aches.

My heart stops.

"Cap? What the hell, man?" I almost laugh out. Wait! Something isn't right why is the screaming still going? And why is he not dressed in his red, white and blue? He is dressed in a red and black suit. He steps to right just under one of the lights.

"No! This can't be right your one of good guys you would never do this!" My eyes tear away from the symbol on his chest. Hydra. The screams stop. The red hydra is almost laughing at me.

"Hail hydra!" Cap shouts. No emotion.

Red Skull's voice comes from all around .

"You have lost Ironman. You can't win against Captain America. Even you know that. Not when he is a stone cold killing machine puppet of mine. Now, Captain Hydra finished him and make it bloody!" Red shouts through the speaks that line the halls.

"I won't fight you Cap!" I shout putting my hands down.

"Hail hydra!" He grabs me by my throat throwing me back. Only then do I realize the room we are standing in. An arena is the only way to describe this room. Probably for Skull's sick twisted thing he calls a show.

"Steve stop this..." I struggle to breathe the wind was knocked out of me on impact. " this isn't like you and you know it."  

"This is my true form! I was never meant to be some people loving fairy in love with a guy who doesn't give a fucking care in the world about anyone else but himself. For that you will die." He rushes forward and picking me up by the throat. He grabs my face mask and tears it from my suit.

"You know that's not true. You are a kind.." he grips tighter my suit is crushing under his grip" kind and loving man. Who protects everyone he loves.." I struggle to talk but I continue " Who fights for everything that he believes in"  I know it's working he's listening he grips loosens just a little. " And I have always told you that you are to good for me but you stay with me anyways but you love me and I know you do. So please stop what your doing we can stop Red Skull together." I look straight at him. I see a flicker of remembrance. I quickly grab his wrist and my suit crushes down on it. I shove him back. I know I haven't caused him any pain but he makes sure Red Skull thinks I have.

We start doing some hand to hand combat before I know it he has me pinned to the ground.

"No! Cap please I ..." he tightens his grip on my throat once again. I panic for a second thinking maybe Cap isn't really there but his face tells me different. " I love you and.." he tightens his fists.

"Wait! I want to see the life drain from his eyes!" Red Skull shouts descending the wall with his fancy new boot jets. That I am sure he had made from my design that he stole a few years ago.

"Yes,Hail Red Skull!" Steve shouts.

I am not sure what I am going to do but I've got a plan. I wink at Cap. He smirks back. Ok he is almost all the way back.

Red skull gets right up in my face.

"You have lost Tony Stark. Your suit won't save you now. You are nothing without your suit. Nothing you're a waste of space and I can't wait to see your life sucked from this world." He nods at Cap and Cap smiles but it's an evil smile. He throws me toward a faint sliding door. Perfect. I heard murmur of talking from my suits mask.

"Red Skull, you ever play chess?" I shout across the room. He stops in his tracks.

"Yes, but this isn't chess. Now , is it?" He smirked.

"Well just some good advice." I breathe. "Always out think your opponent!" I shout slamming my hand on the button on the wall which sends the huge garage like door open. Behind it stands Bruce , Thor, Loki, Natasha, Wanda , Pietro, Sam, Peter, black Panther, Vision and everyone who stood with me and Steve during our "Civil War".

"You aren't that smart Ironman you think you've won but you forget the biggest rule of chess" he laughs " Always plan for everything." He shouts. " guards. Show him."

We stand ready for the swarm of guards but they never come instead a giant screen appears on the wall.

"You think thought of everything well you didn't!" He shouts.

The live feed I assume shows Black panther's office building in the jungle.

"I bet your little love didn't tell what's so important about this building did he?" Red Skull continues. I glance to Steve. Before he can say anything Black Panther is at my side telling me who is Cryogenically frozen and protected in his building.

"Bucky." I mumble.

Steve looks scared.

"Do it!" He shouts in to the room.

An explosion levels the entire building.

"Noooo!!" Steve runs forward at Red Skull. We go with him.

Steve gets him pinned and beating the shit of of him.

"Steve stop!" I grab him.

"He just killed Bucky and you don't want me to kill him." His breathing heavy. "You don't care if Bucky is dead but I do!" He shouts.

"Listen Red Skull can't out think me. Look." I point toward the door. Both him and red skull look.

Guys I know it's been forever but I finally got back to this story and I finished it so it is now completed. So I hope you enjoyed thank for sticking with it only two chapter to go.

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