Chapter 5: Its crazy, its insane

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Steve POV

I see Tony walk in the door of my bloody knuckles room. I immediately tense up.

"Steve we need to talk about this!" He says standing tall. I just walk away and sit on the floor. he follows sitting next to me.

"Fine but if your hear to say you hate me save your breath I don't want to hear it . it will just hurt to much to handle. I cant bear to hear you say you don't love me that you love either Clint Bruce or sam. ok?" I say without even thinking. I feel the fear start to build so fast like when Tony was falling from the sky after shooting the nuke in to the black hole.

"Ok but Steve you need to know how I feel!" He angrily states. Throwing his hands down.

"Ok" I whisper putting my head down on my knees. I don't want to hear what he is going to say it's going hurt me more than any bullet would.

"Steve look at me!" He yells putting his hand under my chin lifting my head. I decide to look at him and prepare for the worst.

"Ok what is it? I am looking at you!" I say just wanting to get this over with.

"Steve I am not good with this kind of stuff but when you ran off I watched in total shock. I wanted to run after you and tell you to look at the photo. It is the picture I keep as my home screen on my phone, it's of me and you standing by one my cars your favorite to be exact,which is the red and blue 2010 mustang the picture is from when we went out to see the American sniper movie. And remember I wanted to get white interior for you so it would be red white and blue." he says smiling and putting his phone in my hand. I just look at the phone for couple seconds and hand it back. He slips in his pocket and continues "it's my favorite moment with you cause we had fans yelling stony at us at we went in the theater and I had to rent out the whole theater so we could watch the movie in peace. I think it's so cute how you care you much about me. I don't deserve you but I do love you Steve and I remember how you love to run from 12:oopm-1:30pm everyday, how you love to watch military based movies, how you come and get me so I will eat even when I don't want to , how happy you are to be around me even when I am being a dick to you and how you love me even though your way to good for me!" He says with so much excitement. I am almost crying.

"Really? Do you mean all of that? I can't believe you noticed all that !" I say looking him dead in the eyes and I smile lightly.

"Of course , I love you and that's why I notice everything that has to do with you cause your important to me!" He says smiling so proudly.

"I don't even know what to say! I am just so happy right now!" I say shifting and throwing my arms around his neck pulling him in for a hug. he doesn't hesitate to hug back.

"I love you so much it's crazy" I hear him whisper in to my ear. I smile.

"I love you even more it's insane!" I say making him giggle. I get up and stick my hand out to help him up. he takes my hand and I pull him up in to my embrace.

He pulls out of the hug and puts a hand over his arc reactor.

"I, Anthony stark promise to love and protect you till the light ceases in my chest!" He says with goofy smile. I take his hands in mine.

"And I Steve Rodgers promise to love and protect you till my heart stop beating and maybe even after!" I say laughing and smiling.

We laugh and walk out of the room hand in hand. We both have the biggest smile on our faces we probably look ridiculous but I don't care.

Well good Tony and Steve are now together but what will happen when hydra kidnaps Steve? Find out next chapter! This story is far from over.

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