Three-Eyed Gypsies

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Solana in MM


I picked up I used the stick to lift up Patricia then hurried up back to her house. She was on the bed to I had to hold her down by pinning her down on her wrists and ankles. I closed my two eyes and then I made my third eye appear. I took out the cards and seen the reverse spells I had to get in that dream and stop her.

I rubbed the ball closing my three eyes. I can't get hurt in that dream and he can't hurt me or kill me because he know my powers are to strong and have protection. I have protection spells too and a ring and stuff that keeps creatures like him away but only real gypsies with 3 eyes have the priorities too.

I rub my hand airily above her and the essence flown into the crystal ball. It showed me what she was doing. "Oh he's going to make her have sex with him."

I closed eyes and I went into her mind.


I try to get her alone so I had to think of something. Maybe if I make me look like her then he'll think im her.... No....

I turned into an anaconda and started to slither up there. I mean I hope he doesn't see the third eye. So I hid the third eye. "Wait let me get this snake master."

She played the flute so I slither to the farthest basket which was far. I turned from a snake and said the spell.

"Mi-chu-para oh-hara shin-ju-su-o-di con-su-hara-ti-patra es hyp-ni-toziea mio-mio de-cansula-de-patcha ex fu-ta!"

I blew the dust into her face and she fell. The dust takes affect. I blew the disappearing dust and she disappeared which means she's wakin up.

I turned into her and put hypnotize moveable contacts on to think I'm still under the spell."I put the snake up master." I say to make my voice I identical to hers.

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