Interview with ScribbledThoughts

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1. What do you like to do for fun besides being on Wattpad?

I like to take photographs. When I don’t have a model and MUA on hand I usually take pictures of nature. It’s nice sometimes to just be away from all the buildings and lean against a tree, surrounded by nature.

2. What is your biggest dream?

To either get published as an author or to have my photographs on book covers.

3. What is the best movie in the whole wide world?

Remember the Titans. It’s based on true events and it made me cry more than once. It’s just one of those inspirational films that make you think that there can be good in the world. Plus I’m a sucker for Ryan Gosling, even if he wasn’t a main character in this film. (he was in that movie? Oh I am definitely checking it out now. Any movie he’s in has got to be good. He’s such an incredible actor and incredible to look at hehe)

4. Who is your favorite character in a book series and why?

Faythe Sanders from the Shifters series. Not only has she got 2 guys to choose from but she’s also got to fight a territorial battle for her pride. The things Bella goes through in the her saga is nothing compared to what Faythe goes through so it kind of bugs me when people go on and on about Twilight. There are way better books out their with far les whiny protagonists and way better plot lines.

5. How did you find Wattpad?

I honestly can’t remember. I think it was through a writer I was following on Quizilla who moved here so I followed.

6. What do you think your strongest writing genre is?

Romance, for sure.

7. What is the name of your current story and what is it about?

The Fake Date. It’s about a girl called Amie who’s ex-boyfriend cheated on her with her best friend and so to stop herself from being either pitied or mocked she hires a male escort called Eli to be her fake boyfriend. But of course, transitions like this never go smoothly. Eli’s her “boyfriend” and Amie’s his “spoilt rich brat” – so as you can see, there’s trouble in paradise.


Which dwarf from Snow White are you most like?

Grumpy! I’m such a grouch. If I don’t get my morning coffee then I’ll irritable until 2 in the afternoon. A lot of my friends know to leave me be when I’m in that mood but there’s always that one person who really won’t leave you alone until you snap at them. And then they have the nerve to ignore you for the next month. It’s like “if you’d done that in the first place we wouldn’t be in this situation.” I’m grouchy just thinking about it. (haha same!)

Thanks for the lovely questions! xD

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2011 ⏰

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